Help Available for Publishers Hard Hit by Recession

Publishing consultant William Dunkerley is offering a limited amount of pro bono help to publishers.

New Britain, CT, August 06, 2009 --( Struggling magazine and newspaper publishers can now get free help to stay afloat. The current recession triggered a precipitious decline in advertising and circulation revenues. As a result, many print and online publications have been finding it hard to make ends meet. That's left them with few resources to combat the challenges of diminished sales.

Magazine ad pages plummeted by 29.4 percent in the second quarter, compared to the same period last year. For newspapers, it was worse. In the first quarter they posted a 29.7 percent decline. The Newspaper Association of America called it the worst drop in modern history.

William Dunkerley Publishing Consultants is offering to help. The firm is a leading consultancy in the field of magazine, newspaper, and newsletter publishing -- print and online. It conducts business analyses to identify systemic problems, devises new strategies for attaining greater success, and coaches publishing executives on the best ways to move forward.

Now, the consultancy has announced that it will strive to offer a reasonable amount of pro bono support to meritorious publishing efforts that are without the financial means to retain a consultant.

Publishers who believe they fit those criteria and would like to apply for pro bono assistance are invited to visit the firm's website for details. Go to

William Dunkerley Publishing Consultants
Meredith Dias, Research Editor