Restructuring Our Interactions with the Economy and the Environment: RESCUE Green Launches New Green Building Communication Forum

The RESCUE Green blog focuses on bridging the communication gap between all sectors of society. Through collaborative efforts, awareness, and education solutions to environmental and economic problems are possible.

Riverside, CA, August 07, 2009 --( RESCUE Green, a leading green building consulting and educational firm, launched the first RESCUE Green Blog. This Blog provides a communication forum for business owners, architects, engineers, consultants, manufacturers, and individual members to discuss solutions to society’s environmental challenges. Creating a place for industry influencers to discuss solutions like renewable energy sources, sustainable building, international projects, tax shifting, and so forth provides a means for conversations about the relationship between the environment and the economy and find ways to propel society forward in a sustainable fashion.

“In today’s economic times working alone creates more obstacles than opportunities. Collaborations, partnerships, and alliances are necessary to forge ahead,” says RESCUE Green co-founder Joseph Blanco, “green building relationships are crucial for success; media outlets, social networks, and communication forums make these relationships easier to come by.” RESCUE Green has created a networking environment that will connect those searching for solutions, business opportunities, or relationships.

There is no question that due to anthropogenic activities earth’s ability to regulate its ecological systems has diminished. Many question if the damage created is too great to correct or to late to reverse? The bottom line is this: restructuring the way society views and interacts with the environment is crucial for economic progress. By providing an intelligent platform of communication between all sectors of society RESCUE Green is facilitating the development of creative solutions.

Offering an array of green consulting services, RESCUE Green supports sustainable building practices through the entire life-cycle of construction projects. To gain more information about the green services offered visit Also join them on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and Linkedin.


If you’d like more information on this topic or to schedule an interview please send us an email at
Joseph Blanco
(888) 543-9205
direct line: 951-751-7519