WBN 1st Symposium in Ibiza, 10th -13th of September 2009

"Destination Blue - See(d) a new Dream": 3 days of Inspiration, Meditation, Communication & Celebration. How then shall we live? Strategies for living in a rapidly changing world. Sharing ideas worth spreading.

Sydney, Australia, August 10, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Network on an international level at Ibiza.

Wholistic Business network is organising an amazing event in Ibiza so why not start networking internationally.

Wholistic Business Events are organising “Destination Blue – See(d) a new Dream”, three days of Inspiration, Meditation, Communication & Celebration, from the 10th-13th September 2009 in Ibiza, Spain.

What can you expect?
You will have the chance to source some of the best networking, marketing, business and technology products & services to support you on your path to making a difference on the planet.

· Get connected to a world of difference and open doors!
· Learn new skills & gather new ‘cutting edge’ information & technology
· Discover joint ventures, affiliate programs & network your business
· Learn strategies & tools from the symposium to use in your chosen roles
· Enjoy the magic of so much, much more…

You will walk away at the end of this three day unforgettable event with a greatly enhanced personal & professional network, have insights and techniques you can use on your path to make a difference to our world.

This is a timely opportunity to connect and learn cutting-edge strategies to grow beyond what you originally thought were possible.

To find out more visit the Wholistic Business website: http://www.wholisticbusinessnetwork.com/events.html

Wholistic Business Network
Sandhi Spiers