3.14R Communications Agency to Represent Russia in Public Relations Network

PRN unites 21 public relations agencies from 21 countries under the principle: “one agency per country”. Thus, 3.14R Communications agency will represent Russia in Public Relations Network.

Moscow, Russia, August 14, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Public Relations Network (PRN) is a global collective of like minded PR consultancies, all dedicated to providing high level consultancy and quality local support for worldwide PR campaigns. PRN aims to be the number one, independent global PR network for companies wishing to embark on pan European or global campaigns.

PRN unites 21 public relations agencies from 21 countries under the principle: “one agency per country”. Thus, 3.14R Communications agency will represent Russia in Public Relations Network.

Members of PRN are independent PR agencies that successfully cooperate with the major players on the world market. Focusing on the local market allows PRN agencies to better understand its specific nature, to be in close contact with local media, and therefore to provide high quality services.

For clients, cooperation with the “horizontal” PR agencies network guaranties a high level of service since every member of the network bears full responsibility for the work provided. At the same time, network members have access to a wider range of customers, which allows them to considerably increase the scale of their business.

3.14R Communications Agency (http://www.314R.com) is a fully independent Russian company, founded in 2003 by public relations professionals. 3.14R Communications agency is also a member of the Russian Public Relations Consultancies Association. The agency provides the whole spectrum of services in public relations and organization of special events. Among the clients of 3.14R agency are the leading Russian companies, major world corporations, and many other entities from various business segments.

3.14R Communications agency Russia
Andrey Podderegin
+7(495) 788-44-07