Tom Joyner’s How to Prepare for College Offers Valuable Advice
Book is great for parents and students as they get back school this fall
Dallas, TX, August 14, 2009 --( As parents and students prepare to go back to school this year, Tom Joyner’s “How to Prepare for College” offers valuable advice to parents and students on how to they can make their path to college easier.
Tom Joyner, the nationally syndicated media personality and philanthropist, has released a new book to help students prepare for college is filled with easy to read, easy to understand lessons.
Written by Thomas LaVeist and Wil LaVeist, the book has a foreword by Joyner and is published by Joyner’s Foundation and Amber Books Inc. The book can be ordered now through, and Copies of the book are available at Barnes and Noble, Borders, Walmart, Sam’s and other retailers.
The book features useful advice on several subjects, including:
A step-by-step guide for elementary school and beyond
Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU) v. non-HBCU: Which is the right for me?
The Admission Process
Paying for a college tuition
The financial aid process
Financial aid myths
Staying in college
Preparing for life after college
Giving back
A List of HBCUs
Useful websites/organizations for scholarships/grants
The Tom Joyner Foundation provides financial assistance to students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (HBCUs) Since 1998, The Tom Joyner Foundation® has raised more than $55 million to help students attending HBCUs stay in school. The Tom Joyner Foundation also hosts an annual cruise named the Fantastic Voyage™ , which raises money for the (HBCUs).
Tom Joyner, the nationally syndicated media personality and philanthropist, has released a new book to help students prepare for college is filled with easy to read, easy to understand lessons.
Written by Thomas LaVeist and Wil LaVeist, the book has a foreword by Joyner and is published by Joyner’s Foundation and Amber Books Inc. The book can be ordered now through, and Copies of the book are available at Barnes and Noble, Borders, Walmart, Sam’s and other retailers.
The book features useful advice on several subjects, including:
A step-by-step guide for elementary school and beyond
Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU) v. non-HBCU: Which is the right for me?
The Admission Process
Paying for a college tuition
The financial aid process
Financial aid myths
Staying in college
Preparing for life after college
Giving back
A List of HBCUs
Useful websites/organizations for scholarships/grants
The Tom Joyner Foundation provides financial assistance to students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (HBCUs) Since 1998, The Tom Joyner Foundation® has raised more than $55 million to help students attending HBCUs stay in school. The Tom Joyner Foundation also hosts an annual cruise named the Fantastic Voyage™ , which raises money for the (HBCUs).
Tom Joyner Foundation
Neil Foote
214 448 3765
Neil Foote
214 448 3765
