New Author Publishes First Books for Free

New author creates free downloadable books using speech to text only due to injury.

Basingstoke, United Kingdom, August 15, 2009 --( What would You do if you could Teleport ?

British author P. D. Lindley is astounding the literary world with his first short story, written entirely with the aid of the computer speech to text program, “Dragon Naturally Speaking”. This was due to an inability to sit, stand or move around for extended periods. “The ForeRunners book one - The Sphere”, is published as a free download on, the online marketplace for DRM free digital books.

Mr Lindley seized the opportunity to use his time, being unable to work in his role as a senior IT manager due a serious lower back injury several years ago. The first book, an 85, page sci-fi romp, with a second in the pipeline, has been followed by a full, length sci-fi novel, “Seventh Sense”, again written using speech to text, also available on

Cristel Lee Leed, Lulu Vice President for Europe, comments: “We live in an age when individuals are strapped for time due to work and family commitments, and this can often stifle creativity. This is a great example of the type of author we often encounter on Lulu – he has not only been creative with what he has written but also with how he has written it!”

By dividing his time into short five to ten minute periods, Mr. Lindley would
Dictate short sections of the books & using his family & friends to ensure the parts fitted together properly, he was able to complete the work in less than twenty weeks.

Mr. Lindley says: Without speech to text programs such as “Dragon Naturally Speaking” I would not have been able to write even a few pages before having to rest. In my opinion, this is an example of how the computer age can help people with disabilities such as myself. Before this, I would have been on the scrap heap with no possibility of a meaningful future, except by using a secretary, but who can afford one these days? I am not getting anything from these books except a feeling of satisfaction. They are both free to download, this is about feeling productive with a serious ailment”.

Although the full length book is entitled “Seventh Sense,” it is actually set in the Hampshire of today & is filled with moral questions as valid today as they would have been for the Victorians.

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P. D. Lindley is 53 years old and is currently unable to work in his role as an IT manager. He lives with his wife & numerous pets in Hampshire England. His book can be found at
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