Teaching Times Supports New Social Networking Site for Teachers and Students

Birmingham, United Kingdom, August 19, 2009 --(PR.com)-- New social networking site 'Rafi.ki' was developed exclusively for teachers and students - and it is opening up new opportunities for children to meet their peers around the world.

No longer do teachers have to rely on French exchanges and pen pals to make international contacts.

Rafi.ki allows students from across the globe to work together on projects. They can chat, display their work, and leave comments on other people's work.

Unlike many other social networking sites rafi.ki is fully moderated - so teachers can have confidence in letting their students use it without supervision.

To view the full story of how teacher Sam Eyre used rafi.ki with his art and photography students at his remote Devon primary school you can read it in the Summer issue of Teaching, Thinking and Creativity magazine published by Imaginative Minds Ltd. or visit library.teachingtimes.com/articles/whole-world-in-their-hands.htm

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Imaginative Minds Ltd
Lucy Busuttil
+44 (0)121 224 7599
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