Internet Safe List Launches Effective Trust Seal and Web Validation Service for E-commerce Sites has launched the Web's first unified directory of verified safe e-commerce sites and is now offering fraud reports, customer comments & feedback. The primary product for merchants is the Internet Safe List Trust Seal & directory.

Baltimore, MD, August 20, 2009 --( Internet Safe List launched its new technology platform today, a service designed to promote trusted e-commerce transactions. Web based entrepreneurs now have a way to demonstrate to wary consumers they can be trusted to deliver on their promises, and customers can restrict their dealings to honest web businesses. Safe List validates websites, does background checks and enforces standards of practice. Every participating website is investigated by Internet Safe List before a seal is issued.

Legitimate web businesses are anxious to prove their integrity, both as a matter of pride and as a way to reach customers understandably reluctant to shop in the virtual environment. The ISL Seal meets these needs, provides businesses more sales opportunities, referrals, and improved search engine placement through the smart keyword-based Safe List system. Says founder Nick Collins, “We believe that our third-party, independent auditing is a great added value for both e-commerce sites and shoppers. Our services include making sure that the website has a customer support policy, a no spam policy, and is a safe site that will not sell information or commit any act of fraud. All of these checks significantly increase customer trust and also increase sales and conversions.”

Collins' motivation comes from being personally victimized by an e-commerce site that defrauded him and disappeared. As well as running Internet Safe List, Collins also speaks regularly at schools and technology centers about Internet safety and Internet commerce.

Internet Safe List has been a trusted website background check service since 2004. The latest version offers businesses a new slate of functionality, including a full report profile with customer comments and feedback. Applications for inclusion to Internet Safe List are at Most companies are approved within 24 hours, upon which time the safety seal can be displayed in a prominent location confirming positive verification.

About Internet Safe List:
Internet Safe List is designed to assist Web businesses in defining and disclosing standards such as privacy and customer satisfaction. The company brings consumers and legitimate merchants together, reducing risk and improving the overall shopping experience. Websites with the ISL Seal must have clear disclosure. Each merchant is required to have and display policies for customer satisfaction, complaint resolution, and privacy. More information can be obtained at


Internet Safe List is designed to assist Web businesses in defining and disclosing standards such as privacy and customer satisfaction. The company brings consumers and legitimate merchants together, reducing risk and improving the overall shopping experience. Websites with the ISL Seal must have clear disclosure. Each merchant is required to have and display policies for customer satisfaction, complaint resolution, and privacy. More information can be obtained at
Olivia Iacoboni
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