Working in a Virtual Business Park: Cut on Costs, Enhance Effectiveness. SECOND INTEREST AG is Testing 3D Business Park Prototype for Enterprises

Berlin-based Virtual Worlds Agency SECOND INTEREST AG has recently launched a prototype of its Second Commerce Business Park, an online 3D working environment for enterprises.

Berlin, Germany, August 22, 2009 --( This concept expands the opportunities to hold virtual conferences and meetings as well as training sessions and to get networking efficient and cost effective while working in teams. Another advantage: It enables people who are working in the most diverse places in the world to work together face to face in a virtual meeting - without the usual amount of planning, traveling and related expenses. The presence of the other participants in form of virtual representatives, so-called “avatars”, produces a much higher level of engagement than in an ordinary video- or telephone conference.

The launch event started with a tour of the virtual environment. Approximately 60 participants from business, culture and media were able to see on-site for themselves that virtual online 3D platforms are providing entirely new opportunities for cooperation and collaboration in enterprises, administrative departments and institutions.

Special guest for the evening was Robert B. Cohen, senior economist at Washington based Economic Strategy Institute and frequent advisor to the U.S. government on high-tech policy issues. Cohen presented his latest book "Changing the Face of the Internet: Virtual Worlds and the Information Economy", which details the changes in business processes and enterprise models that will come with virtual world adoption.

Dr. Carl von Gablenz, former Chairman of CargoLifter AG, explained through the example of prototype development in engineering and cooperation between different locations how virtual worlds technology can save companies time and money. Attending from Gibraltar, Millionaire-Coach Wolfgang G. Sonnenburg discussed with visitors how interacting with an avatar can enlarge your mind and help you to new ways of thinking.

Another highlight was the opening of a virtual art exhibition by Julie Kaye. Kaye, a shooting star of the British art scene, was present and launched the first presentation of her work in a virtual world. All her paintings on display can be bought as a virtual copy, as well as been ordered in real through her online artstore.

In sum, the evening was a successful presentation of the many opportunities virtual 3D worlds offer for the optimization of business processes and workflows and how they can create added value for participating users. If you want to test the virtual Second Commerce prototype, you can do so at no cost: The Second Commerce team offers guided tours through the virtual environment free of charge. All you need is to register with the Second Commerce Community on Xing ( and have a valid Second Life ® account.

Matthias Eichhoff
+49(0)30 92128273
SECOND INTEREST AG is a full-service agency for virtual business solutions and was founded in 2007 in Berlin. The enterprise is specialized in developing, realizing and evaluating commercial applications in virtual online worlds.