Announces Launch of Brand New Website for Automotive Dealers and Vendors

Indianapolis, IN, August 26, 2009 --( today announced the official launch of it's brand new website, . The site is an Internet resource and interactive community for Automotive Dealers and Automotive Vendors. Founded by Jason Breck, the mission of is to provide automotive dealership employees and their third-party vendors with an interactive forum in which they can discuss and share ideas, thoughts, observations, and best practices in an open, professional environment. The site and forums are designed for employees at all levels in the dealership.

Founder, Jason Breck, has over 10 years of automotive industry experience. He has served on both the dealer side and the vendor side of the automotive business. He has held the positions of Area Service Manager for, Regional Manager for CarSpot, and Internet Sales Manager for a Milwaukee area dealership.

“In these troubling times, it is more important than ever for dealers to band together and to share ideas and best practices in an open, professional environment. That is exactly what our forums provide,” explained site founder Jason Breck. “In my over 10 years of automotive industry experience, I noticed that there can be a significant difference in the way one store operates versus another. The Internet or BDC departments of the dealerships provides a perfect example. The number of third-party vendor options for dealers is extensive, and continues to grow every day. It is rather difficult for a dealer to choose which vendor will provide the best outcome for a particular job. How is a dealer to know which website provider is the best? How is a dealer to know which window sticker and/or photography company offers the most reliable service in their area? Or, which lead provider produces the best results in their respective market?”

“By providing both dealers and vendors with an open and professional forum in which to ask such questions and to discuss such issues, our forums provide a win-win for both dealers and vendors. Not only do the forums allow dealers and vendors to connect with each other, valuable insight can also be gained by both sides through interacting. The dealers can learn from each others experiences, and the vendors can see what dealers are saying about them. This shared knowledge will enable both sides to improve their operations.

In addition to it's forums offering, provides valuable information for automotive dealers, including breaking industry news stories, video newscasts, industry employment listings, links to other valuable automotive sites, automotive reviews, and a dealer/vendor directory. Furthermore, the forums include a section for automotive organizations, and also a calendar on which members can post industry related events.

“While allowing dealers and vendors to connect is one of the benefits of, the primary benefit is the ability for dealers to connect with other dealers. Dealers no longer need to wait for their annual “20 group” meetings to connect. By sharing ideas about which practices, programs, and systems work best for them, all dealers involved in the discussions stand to gain. By discussing current trends and programs, such as the recent CARS, or Cash For Clunkers, programs, dealers can adjust their operations according to what is working best for others. Doing so should allow each dealer to sell more cars, thus improving their bottom line,” said Jason Breck.

One of the best things about is that it's completely Free. Inclusion in the site's directory and registration on the site's forums are both free.

Rachel Dodds
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