Cellflare Mobile Phone Application Hits the Apple App. Store

Toronto, Canada, August 27, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Big news for a Canadian based Location-based services (LBS) company Cellflare Inc. this morning after the Cellflare application was launched on the Apple App. Store.

Media Spokesperson Sarah Thistle says, “...this is great news for Cellflare. For any mobile application developer to have Apple interested in their application is an honour.”

The Cellflare application uses your iPhone's GPS system to locate you and your contacts on the move in real time using LBS technology. Locations-based services facilitate the delivery of spatial data along with providing positioning, routing and direction-finding information.

The release of the application on the Apple App. Store couldn’t have come at a better time. With the boom in social networking, students heading back to school and the desire for fast and accurate information on the go - people are waiting intently for the next technological advance that can help make their lives easier.

Thistle explains that Cellflare has taken hand-held tracking technology to a one-size-fits-all level that can provide minute-by-minute locations based information.

The application is also available for download off of the Blackberry App. Store as well as straight off the website.

Check out Cellflare - a brand new mobile application download that allows you to stay visually connected with people and business on the move - in real time.

For a free version of the application, visit the Apple iTunes Store or go to Cellflare website.

Cellflare Inc.
Sarah Thistle Director of Public Relations Media Spokesperson