SOAMatrix Software Announces SOAStore™ 3.0

SOAStore 3.0 with advanced features such as Bulk Import and Export of Custom Objects, Custom and Log Policies, SOAStore as NT service, SOAStore on Linux makes it more user friendly and offers functionalities that meet the requirements of today's SOA deployments.

Bangalore, India, August 29, 2009 --( SOAMatrix Software Pvt. Ltd., a fast-growing privately held company focused on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) product development and associated solutions, with a vision for building innovative world-class enterprise products to meet new & emerging challenges in the SOA space, today announced the release of its updated registry-repository product SOAStore 3.0.

Kalyan Kolachala, CEO, SOAMatrix Software, said: “SOAStore 3.0 with advanced features such as Bulk Import and Export of Custom Objects, Custom and Log Policies, SOAStore as NT service, SOAStore on Linux makes it more user friendly and offers functionalities that meet the requirements of today's SOA deployments”.

SOAStore 3.0 registry and repository provides governance capabilities that enable organizations to define and enforce organizational policies governing the content and usage of artefacts throughout their lifecycle.

The new capabilities of SOAStore 3.0 include:

Support for Custom Object Types: Custom objects are user-defined object types. SOAStore allows extending the list of predefined object types by adding user defined object types which can be published using a simple XForm based UI.

Publishing Custom Objects: Allows users to publish new custom objects by providing the custom attribute details.

Searching Custom Objects: Allows users to search for the custom objects using the CustomTypeQuery.

Bulk Import and Export of Custom Objects: Users can import custom type objects from a csv file by using bulk import feature. Users can export existing objects to a csv file by using bulk export feature.

Support for more Artefacts: Supports publishing of user defined artefacts such as PDF, EMX, MS-Word, Excel, Access, PPT, Visio etc.

Graphical Association as Tree: Viewing graphical associations as a tree enables the hierarchical representation of associations among different artefacts.

WS-Conformance Reports: Report provides a summary result of the wsdl in an XML format.

Governance Policy Manager: Allows creation and management of various governance policies.

Custom and Log Policies : Allows creation and management of various custom and Log policies.

Plugin support for SOAStore : NetBeans 6.1 plugin support for SOAStore 3.0.

Database Support : SOAStore 3.0 can run on Postgresql and MySql databases, besides Derby, MS SQl Server and Oracle DBMS.

SOAStore NT Service : SOAStore 3.0 can be installed/uninstalled as a NT service.

SOAStore on Linux: SOAStore 3.0 can now be installed on Linux.

About SOAMatrix

SOAMatrix is a fast-growing privately held company focused on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) product development and associated solutions, with a vision to create the best enterprise products/solutions based on SOA and meet current and emerging challenges of enterprises.

SOAMatrix Software Pvt. Ltd.
Bharath Sarma Rejeti