New Coaching Business Turns Frustrated Lawyers Into Contented Writers

Portsmouth, NH, August 31, 2009 --( The news for lawyers isn’t good these days. Big firms are laying off lawyers in droves, and hiring has slowed way down. More and more law school graduates are emerging into the workforce with massive debt and poor prospects.

Even those newly minted lawyers lucky enough to find a job in their chosen profession may soon wish they hadn’t. As Sandra Day O’Connor put it back in 2004, “job dissatisfaction among lawyers is widespread, profound, and growing worse.”

“Many lawyers are actually thwarted writers who were pushed into the profession by well-meaning parents or guidance counselors,” says Jennifer Carsen, J.D., founder of Big Juicy Life Coaching ( “They love words but get frustrated when they discover that there is little room for creativity within the practice of law.”

Carsen, who describes herself as a “recovering lawyer,” graduated from NYU Law and lasted just 11 months in the profession before turning to a career of writing, editing, and coaching other like-minded lawyers.

“My specialty is turning lawyers into writers,” Carsen says. “I help them with whatever their particular stumbling blocks are—some need help with their writing skills, while others have difficulty finding the time to write. Still others need help downsizing their lives so they can afford to make a career shift.”

In today’s world, writing may ironically be a more stable career path than law in some respects. “Freelance writers have the ability to write their own ticket in many ways, and I teach people how to do that,” Carsen says. “Lawyers at large firms have very little control over their own destiny these days.”

Lawyers interested in more information about a writing career can visit and download a free report, 6 Myths About Leaving the Law for Writing.

Big Juicy Life
Jennifer Carsen