The Inland Empire Goes Free

The Inland Empire has a new group of people who are using recycling of used items that are still usable to prevent them from going into landfills. This is a win-win situation considering today's economy. Members of this online group are asked to look into their closets, kitchen cabinets, storage spaces and garages for items that they no longer need and to "rehome" them with someone who can use them.

Moreno Valley, CA, August 30, 2009 --( The Inland Empire has a new group in town! It is a yahoo group called the "InlandEmpireFree2BFree" and was created to be a community based organization of earth conscience individuals who collaborate to save the earth by keeping usable items from being tossed into the landfill. This was not a completely original idea, many have done this for years with neighborhood free days, online classifieds as well as other online groups. It seems as though the birth of this group was just in time seeing as though the economy is not at it's best. Items offered so far have been toys, baby items, electronics, gently used clothing and household items. This group was started because the owner of the group loved the concept of recycling these items, she was just not too happy with the way other groups had rule change notices filling up her email inbox almost daily. She also seen how many online classified places had a problem with people "flagging" what other people posted simply because they did not like the content of their post. "People want to have fun, the fun is ruined when your posts get returned for the newest rule change or your post gets "flagged" just because someone did not like it. When you get a new rule change email in your inbox several times a week it just becomes a downer that people tend to ignore" said Christie Martin, one of the groups moderators. This group opened itself to new membership on Sunday, August 23, 2009 and is already over 100 members strong and growing. All of the members choose how they would like to receive group messages which include both free items offered and items wanted. Most of the members choose to get the email offers sent directly to their email inbox as they are posted but some prefer viewing them from the webpage. "I became a member of the group when I receive an invite. I was hesitant to try it but now I am glad I did. I had been needing several items but just could not afford them yet now I got them for free and made a new friend when picking my items up", said Trisha Carter a group member. Several members joined because they enjoyed being able to give new life for the items that were stored away for no particular reason. "I have a storage space that I am now finally considering giving up, it would be nice to find good homes where the items I once cherished could be enjoyed again by a new family." said Pat Martinez a new member. InlandEmpireFree2BFree's rapid growth is creating quite a buzz among other group owners and moderators who seem to feel like it is against their group. "I did not feel that this group was against any other group. For some reason certain group moderators are feeling personally attacked and I do not think this group was about that. I do not know why they have to wish the downfall of this group and I have no idea why they are using scare tactics to get people to keep people from joining," said, Christie Martin. The rate of growth and activity in this newly formed group is astonishing so it is looking as though they are here to stay. You can read the mission statement or join at:

Christine Martin