Prophecy of Power the Debut Novel by Andrew Parker....Out Now

Prophecy of Power, the book everyone is talking about is available online at Amazon, and Barnes & Noble or ask at all good book stores. For latest reviews or to find out more about this Author go to

New York, NY, September 03, 2009 --( Jacob Droutman was a Rabbi in New York, who had become disillusioned with the Jewish faith, was this really the religion of God?

After attending a seminar on Revelation, he gets given a file by a mysterious blonde lady.

The file contains information on three Jewish students who have gone missing and were going to announce an amazing archaeological discovery and after what seemed a motiveless murder of his landlord would trigger his intrigue and take him on a journey to Israel and the truth behind what these students had discovered.

As he got closer to the truth he learnt of the prophetic world powers, after studying and confirming through the scriptures six had gone before, it proved to be he was living in the seventh, the Anglo-American world power… but another was forecast to follow.

A buried tomb under the Golden Dome would announce the signs and how piecing them together would reveal the next world power.

Who was the next world power?

A secret burial site that had been deliberately hidden would hold the key…

Prophecy of Power ... will it come true?

A fast paced thriller you won't want to put down from Andrew Parker.

Andrew Parker
Andy Parker
+ 44 07846113261