Prevent the Top 5 Network Storage Problems - MicroAge Webinar

This webinar addresses the huge increases in data volume and the growing importance of storing and archives business information. It is designed to provide business owners and IT managers with insights and ideas on how to cope with rapidly growing storage demands, reduce their infrastructure requirements, and how to manage their storage network with limited staff, technical expertise, and budgets.

Montreal, Canada, September 04, 2009 --( MicroAge, Canada’s leading franchise network of IT solution providers, will host a free webinar on key storage network obstacles and solutions in collaboration with HP on September 30th at 1:00 p.m. DST.

Designed for business owners, IT managers and network administrators, this webinar will present the latest storage solutions from HP and show how they can help avoid the five most common storage network pain points:
· Runaway costs: How to meet rising data volume needs without increasing management overhead
· Complicated installation and deployment: “Built for service” - an overview of HP’s SAN (storage attached network), NAS (network attached storage) and SAN/NAS hybrid solutions
· Management nightmares: Best practices for dealing with too many servers, too much data, and too many other priorities
· Sluggish network: How to avoid reduced system responsiveness caused by data volume overload
· Risky business: How to more easily safeguard and archive your business-critical information

The webinar will also include a Q&A session with storage network experts from HP and MicroAge. (Note: A French-language version of the webinar will be presented on September 30th at 10:00 a.m.)

For more information, and to register online, please visit:

Arnaud Joakim