Pink-4-Ever Calls Upon All Women to Join the Love/Avon Army of Women

New Program Focuses on Going Beyond a Cure to Supporting Research to Prevent Breast Cancer.

Indianapolis, IN, September 05, 2009 --( Pink-4-Ever announces its support of a unique new program that offers women the opportunity to help unlock the key to preventing breast cancer: the Love/Avon Army of Women. The Love/Avon Army of Women is seeking to recruit one million women nationwide to help researchers learn what causes breast cancer and move beyond a cure to prevention. Women in the Indianapolis area and across the U.S. are encouraged to be “one in a million” by learning more and signing up at

The Love/Avon Army of Women is a partnership between the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and the Avon Foundation and launched on October 1, 2008 to mark the start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Women have taken personal action and raised millions of dollars that has advanced treatment and early detection, but researchers still do not know what causes the disease. The Love/Avon Army of Women empowers women with a new opportunity – a simple but revolutionary call for one million women of all ages and ethnicities to join the “Army” and consider serving as research volunteers to help scientists understand the causes of breast cancer – and how to end it once and for all.

Pink-4-Ever “The Love/Avon Army of Women is an excellent program to help in the eradication of breast cancer” stated Nadia Miller, CEO of Pink-4-Ever. “We encourage women in the community to visit the new website and be part of this important effort.”

All women not currently undergoing breast cancer treatment, including breast cancer survivors and those who never had the disease, are eligible to register. Universities and research labs throughout the country may submit their studies for consideration to the Army of Women, and all research will undergo a thorough medical and ethical review. Some research may require women to complete a questionnaire, while others may require blood or saliva samples, or other simple steps (the research studies are not clinical trials and do not involve drugs or medical procedures). The Army of Women will serve as a virtual “matchmaker,” sending an email alert to women volunteers outlining the needs of each study, and women who meet the criteria have the option to take part.

“Women have repeatedly demonstrated through fundraising and advocacy their personal dedication to ending breast cancer,” says Dr. Susan Love, the visionary behind the Army of Women and a leader in the breast cancer movement for more than 30 years. “This new initiative gives women the opportunity to be part of the research itself and help shift the focus. The Army of Women will enable more scientists to move from studying cancer after it occurs, and testing new drugs and treatments, to seeking the cause and prevention. If we all join together, I know we can end breast cancer in our lifetime.” Dr. Love, a renowned breast cancer surgeon and respected expert in the field, is also the author of the best-selling Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book and president of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation.

Why is the Army of Women important? “All too often, researchers cannot find the volunteers they need for their studies, or it takes up to 18 months to recruit enough,” explained Marc Hurlbert, Director of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. “The Army of Women will solve this problem and allow scientists to focus on their work, not recruitment, and provide timely access to healthy women volunteers, thereby moving the focus from the lab to real women, and accelerating research into breast cancer cause and prevention.”

Women nationwide are invited to be “one in a million” and help end breast cancer. Visit

The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation
The mission of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation is to eradicate breast cancer and improve the quality of women’s health through innovative research, education and advocacy. For more information:

The Avon Foundation
The Avon Foundation, an accredited 501(c) (3) public charity, was founded in 1955 to improve the lives of women and their families, and focuses on breast cancer and domestic violence. From 1992 through 2008, the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade has raised and awarded more than $585 million worldwide for access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer, with a focus on the medically underserved. Funding supports five areas: awareness and education; screening and diagnosis; access to treatment; support services; and scientific research. Beneficiaries range from leading cancer centers to community-based non-profit breast health programs. For more information, visit

Pink-4-Ever, Inc
Ashley Dodd