IRS Tax Help: New Program Completely Eliminate IRS Debt Forever

IRS Debt Eliminated announces a new program which completely ends IRS Debt forever for $700.00 per case.

North Palm Beach, FL, September 09, 2009 --( IRS Debt Eliminated, a subsidiary of the Boaz Trust, has announced a new program for American consumers who need help with the IRS. This new program completely eliminates IRS tax debt for only $700.00 per case. IRS Debt Eliminated can permanently relieve tax debt for all American citizens legally and quickly. There are no special requirements or necessary circumstances for qualification.

The Boaz Trust was started in 1993 by several dedicated legal researchers in order to find ways of helping people get out of debt and provide real IRS debt relief solutions.

“One of the most successful things discovered is how to completely eliminate any and all IRS debt and IRS tax debt problems,” says Bob Plimpton of IRS Debt Eliminated, who hasn’t filed a 1040 for more than thirty years. “We have been doing this for several years with 100% success. With our process, All IRS debt is discharged without it costing our clients any money out-of-pocket except for our fees.”

To completely eliminate their IRS debt, clients simply fill out the Application at and mail the completed application with all correspondence from the IRS to the Boaz Trust. IRS Debt Eliminated handles it all from there.

“We use a little known and seldom used government program which requires very little work,” Plimpton says. “Also we are not a for-profit organization, which enables us to provide this service to our clients for the lowest cost possible, which is a great deal less than you would pay an attorney to simply reduce your interest and penalties or, even worse, take your case to court with no guarantee of relief or reprieve.”

According to Plimpton, IRS Debt Eliminated has eliminated as much as $800,000 worth of tax debt for individual clients. In addition, clients are not affected in any other of their dealings with government such as receiving Social Security or other benefits. In fact, Plimpton says, using this program actually helps clients more strongly establish these benefits.

“It really is that simple,” Plimpton says. “The IRS has no legal right to harass, threaten and take a cent from American citizens. The Supreme Court has confirmed it in multiple rulings, as has the IRS in its own documentation and in commentary from its own leaders.”

About IRS Debt Eliminated
The Boaz Trust was started in 1993 by several dedicated legal researchers in order to find ways of helping people get out of debt and provide real IRS debt relief solutions. The various frauds, tricks and traps set by attorneys for the government, courts and banks were known about and research into their actual standing revealed ways to obviate nearly all the problems in which people find themselves. Learn more at

IRS Debt Eliminated
Rebekah Wortman
11231 US 1, Suite 320
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408