Free Photography Ebook Offers Tips for Amateur Photographers Going ‘Pro’

Step-by-step “strategy tips” to successfully increase a photographer’s exposure and successfully market photography; examples of ‘beautiful’ photos that won’t sell; tips for photography websites.

Free Photography Ebook Offers Tips for Amateur Photographers Going ‘Pro’
Long Beach, CA, September 13, 2006 --( Deciding to turn an amateur photography passion and hobby into a successful photography business can be scary, disappointing and needlessly expensive. Shooting photography because of a love for photography is one thing. Shooting photography because you have bills to pay is something else entirely. Knowing the difference is one of the goals of a recently published ebook offering strategy tips, "Freeze, I Have A Camera And I’m Not Afraid To Use It!" The ebook offers valuable information to photographers in areas of the photography business that needs to be fully researched; where to find the information to be researched; and even offers a powerful, yet simple to use, search tool – all for free!

“This is the book that I wish I had when I first decided to become a ‘professional’ photographer,” say Kalem Aquil, author of the new ebook, “Freeze, I Have A Camera And I’m Not Afraid To Use It!” Aquil has put his ‘lessons learned’ in a light-hearted, information-digestible, and informative ebook for photographers. “The book is targeted to amateur photographers, but the information and resources are very valuable to experienced photographers, also,” added Aquil. The ebook offers strategy tips to assist photographers identify photography markets, photography niches and overviews of the various segments of the photography industry.

The ebook advises photographers not to discuss the type of equipment that they use with their customers. As examples, the ebook compares photographers businesses to restaurants and car mechanics. The successful businesses, whether they’re restaurants or car repair shops, don’t tell their customers what equipment they use to provide their professional services. It suggests that the photographers that are spending great sums of money for the ‘right’ equipment are not focusing on the critical areas needed for success.

Making use of technology is another area that is covered in the ebook. Having a photography website is a must for any photographer seeking to increase awareness of their photography work and/or their photography business. In addition to providing resources for free photography websites, the ebook encourages photographers to make use of free services, such as websites, to gain valuable ‘real world’ experience.

Also included in the ebook are samples of brilliant photography that the author, Aquil, advises not to spend valuable time shooting. “One of the things that we photographers have trouble finding out and understanding is that our customers don’t buy photography from us that ‘we photographers’ like. They buy photography that they need!” Understanding that principle, advises Aquil, “helps knowledgeable photographers to focus their precious time shooting photos that have real value.” The ebook offers tips on researching markets and niches; on effective steps to take to successfully market your photography work and/or photography business; tips on understanding marketing, pricing and operating online photo galleries.

A standout of the ebook are the sections on stock photography. Understanding and benefiting from the dramatically changing stock photography industry places photographers head and shoulders above ninety percent of their competition. For some, the significant changes are threatening. For others, the changes are profitable and welcomed. The ebook provides a very good overview of the history of the stock photography market and the current and constantly changing dynamics of this side of photography. According to the ebook, technology is one of the factors contributing to the changing photography markets. Leveling of the playing field and what to look for is explained in understandable ways.

“When I first entered the world of the photography business, I tried to ‘do it all.’ I wanted to show that I could perform in any photography niche,” says author Aquil. “Photographers that specialize are the successful photographers these days. Knowing your ‘photographic strengths’ is critical to success and this ebook shows photographers how to find their strengths in understandable terms – and you can’t beat the price,” offers Aquil. Spending a lot of money on equipment and technology doesn’t translate to success in the photography business. That’s one of the lessons that stick with you after reading the ebook.

Another standout component of the free photography ebook is the stunning images of children. Author Aquil is a stock photographer with a focus on children. Included in this informative publication are colorful images of children staring at the reader that are difficult to not keep returning the stare. The ebook is valuable enough just based on the entertaining images of the children.

For additional information on the free photography strategy tips ebook, visit

Marketing for Photographers and Photography
Kalem Aquil