Be Truly You Introduces Eco-Friendly Water Bottles Made from Glass

Be Truly You is one of the first in the United States to offer 100% reusable, 100% recyclable glass water bottles in an effort to reduce the negative environmental and health impact of bottled water.

Bothell, WA, September 11, 2009 --( Be Truly You is one of the first companies to offer a line of eco-friendly glass water bottles encouraging consumers to reduce their bottled water usage and lessen their environmental footprint.

The Seattle-based, women-owned company offers eco-friendly, soul-friendly clothing and lifestyle products. They recently introduced their Urban line of glass water bottles to compliment their existing Retro offerings.

The company was inspired to provide alternatives to both disposable and reusable plastic and stainless steel water bottles based on recent headlines and mounting evidence of plastic’s negative environmental and health impact:

Between 32 and 54 million barrels of oil are used each year to produce the disposable plastic water bottles Americans consume, and over 2.5 millions tons of carbon dioxide were created.[1]
85-90% of these plastic water bottles end up in landfills, where each takes up to 1000 years to decompose.[2]
Bottled water takes 2000 times the amount of energy to produce than tap water.[3]
About 40% of bottled water comes from municipal drinking water but costs 1000 times more.[4]
BPA, polycarbonate, and other plastics used for various reusable plastic water bottles and in the lining of many stainless steel bottles, can affect the taste of your beverage and are known carcinogens.

“We understand the need for bottled water is some parts of the world where access to clean drinking water may be limited,” said Heather McDowell, co-founder of Be Truly You, “But in the developed countries where filtered water is available from household faucets, bottled water is an unnecessary luxury.”

Some of the reasons Be Truly You chose glass over reusable plastic or stainless steel include[5]:

Glass bottles are made from all-natural, sustainable raw materials and don’t leach toxic substances into the beverages they hold.
Glass bottles are 100% reusable and 100% recyclable with no loss in quality or purity, making glass the only true “cradle-to-cradle” packaging material.
Glass recycling is a closed-loop system, creating no additional waste or by-products, and an estimated 80% of recovered glass is made into new glass bottles.
Reusing a glass water bottle could save you over $350 per year verses using plastic bottles.

Not only are these innovative new water bottles eco-friendly and health-friendly, they also carry the life-affirming, inspirational messages for which the company is so well known.

“We’re all about being truly you and that entails taking responsibility for how we treat ourselves, each other and our environment.” explains co-founder Ann Caiola. “By choosing our inspirational glass water bottles, you’re making a responsible decision which we believe is better for your soul and therefore your community. You’re spreading positivity.”

Be Truly You’s new Urban collection of eco-friendly glass water bottles feature the following soul-friendly messages:

Celebrate Each Moment
Embrace Abundance
Allow Peace
Bliss (and other inspirational words)

About Be Truly You
Be Truly You was founded on February 14, 2008, by Heather McDowell and Ann Caiola. With over 25 years of “corporate” experience and inspired by their life experiences, Heather and Ann founded their company on a belief that by being truly you, life becomes extraordinary. So they set out to uplift and affirm individuals and community by offering hip and fun “eco-friendly, soul-friendly” lifestyle products that remind one daily of the calling to be truly you. Their products include glass water bottles, a boutique selection of 100% organic cotton and bamboo clothing, handcrafted jewelry and inspirational gifts. And, in being truly them, they give a percentage of all profits back to their community each year.

[1] Environmental Research Letters, January-March, 2009 issue

[2] Earth Policy Institute

[3] Pacific Institute

[4] Natural Resources Defense Council, March 1999, 4-year study on the water bottle industry

[5] Container Recycling Institute and the Glass Packaging Institute

Be Truly You
Cindy Tickle