Ziphany Enables Demand Response Providers in New England’s Forward Capacity Market as Independent DDE; June 2010
Ziphany leads the way for the first Forward Capacity Market, establishing its role as independent Demand Designated Entity.
Buffalo, NY, September 17, 2009 --( Ziphany’s software developers and IT experts are working with ISO New England (ISO-NE) to ensure the reliable support of its upcoming Forward Capacity Market (FCM) which goes live on June 1, 2010. Under the current Demand Response market structure in New England, Ziphany functions as an Internet-based Communication System (IBCS Provider), but is currently undergoing a transition to a Demand Designated Entity (DDE) as is required by FCM regulations. As defined by ISO-NE, a DDE is the organization which “receives Dispatch Instructions for generation and/or Dispatchable Asset Related Demand. The Designated Entity is the only entity to which the ISO will communicate Dispatch Instructions.”
The objective of the FCM is to purchase sufficient capacity for reliable system operation for a future year at competitive prices where all resources - including new or existing and load or generation - can participate. And the objective of the DDE is to function as a liaison of critical information, supplying real-time access to revenue-grade data and DR event dispatch signals between end-users and the ISO. Also, submission of settlement information will be required.
Upgrades required of Ziphany include installing a dedicated dual frame relay with RTU at its data center, installing an ISO-approved Router for communications, and establishing a system for reliable 24/7 abilities to relay dispatch signals. The company is on target with all submitted plans for required IT infrastructure and software development needed to support the Enrolling Participants (EP, also known as Demand Response Providers or Aggregators). At this point, Ziphany may be slated to be the only independent DDE who is enabling multiple EP’s rather than functioning as one itself.
About Ziphany, LLC
Ziphany is a software and technology group functioning as a Microsoft Certified Partner that exists to deploy and integrate Smart Grid technologies for Utility and ISO grid operations. Ziphany sees demand response as the gateway into a more robust, more intelligent grid system. To learn more:
About New England Independent System Operator
Created in 1997, ISO New England is the independent, not-for-profit corporation responsible for reliably operating New England’s 32,000-megawatt bulk electric power generation and transmission system, overseeing and ensuring the fair administration of the region’s $12 billion wholesale electricity markets, and managing comprehensive regional electric power planning. To learn more:
The objective of the FCM is to purchase sufficient capacity for reliable system operation for a future year at competitive prices where all resources - including new or existing and load or generation - can participate. And the objective of the DDE is to function as a liaison of critical information, supplying real-time access to revenue-grade data and DR event dispatch signals between end-users and the ISO. Also, submission of settlement information will be required.
Upgrades required of Ziphany include installing a dedicated dual frame relay with RTU at its data center, installing an ISO-approved Router for communications, and establishing a system for reliable 24/7 abilities to relay dispatch signals. The company is on target with all submitted plans for required IT infrastructure and software development needed to support the Enrolling Participants (EP, also known as Demand Response Providers or Aggregators). At this point, Ziphany may be slated to be the only independent DDE who is enabling multiple EP’s rather than functioning as one itself.
About Ziphany, LLC
Ziphany is a software and technology group functioning as a Microsoft Certified Partner that exists to deploy and integrate Smart Grid technologies for Utility and ISO grid operations. Ziphany sees demand response as the gateway into a more robust, more intelligent grid system. To learn more:
About New England Independent System Operator
Created in 1997, ISO New England is the independent, not-for-profit corporation responsible for reliably operating New England’s 32,000-megawatt bulk electric power generation and transmission system, overseeing and ensuring the fair administration of the region’s $12 billion wholesale electricity markets, and managing comprehensive regional electric power planning. To learn more:
Ziphany, LLC
Dave Carswell
Dave Carswell
