New eBook Released: “In Search of New Meaning: Philanthropy, Community & Society,” Edited by Gary J. Hubbell

Milwaukee, WI, September 24, 2009 --( A new eBook on philanthropy has just been published, resulting from a Spring 2009 think tank of North American nonprofit organization and development leaders. The think tank, called Conversation 2009, was organized and facilitated by Gary Hubbell Consulting. Gary J. Hubbell is the editor of the new eBook. Four topics were selected for discussion, each of which became the focus of an insightful essay by each of the hand-picked attendees. The four topics are:

§ New Perspectives on Leadership
§ Reimagining the Future of Philanthropy
§ Development in a Systems Context
§ Demonstrating and Communicating Philanthropy’s Impact.

Stimulated by the advance essays, Conversation 2009 became a shared search for new meaning about philanthropy, community, and society. The search for new meaning was clearly fueled by the context in which participants found themselves. At that time, the United States and much of the developed world was in the midst of great uncertainties wrought by the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The resulting social and economic upheaval threw a monkey wrench into the plans of many, if not most, nonprofit organizations. Those accustomed to giving great amounts saw their assets tumble. This period was also marked by the historical precedent of the United States electing its first African American—and Gen X—president. These and other factors collided to make a shared search for new meaning more than intellectually stimulating, it led participants to see new openings and consider new ideas as they adjusted to the new environment.

The intent of this eBook is simply to provide a snapshot of a brief moment in time; a special concentration of experience, intellect, and commitment that produced insights which may fuel new questions and which may foster new openings for others in the sector.

The eBook is currently available as a free download at On The Cusp Publishing (see

Publisher: On the Cusp Publishing, P.O. Box 510257, Milwaukee, WI, 53203; (800) 805-7086; fax: (800) 805-7086; http//; File Size: 5 MB; PDF format; 127 pages; ISBN 978-1-61623-246-7.

Gary Hubbell Consulting
Gary Hubbell