Library of Horror Presents: The Black Act by Louise Bohmer

The Black Act, debut dark fantasy from Louise Bohmer, is now available from Library of Horror:

Morgantown, WV, September 24, 2009 --( The Black Act
Louise Bohmer

ISBN: 1449511198
ISBN-13: 9781449511197
Published by Library of Horror
Genre: Horror / Dark fantasy
Released: September 22, 2009
Trade Paperback
6 x 9
Pages: 240
Purchase from: Library of Horror

Available soon at and other outlets.

About The Book: The history of a curse is fraught with bloody battles, bitter hatred, and dark secrets.

Through five generations, ghosts of war haunt the Wise Women. When the Rebellion of Glenna ends, their curse sleeps bound in the Tunnels of the Dead, waiting for its chance to re-awaken the battle between the Wood People and Dalthwein Clans.

Claire, a distraught young Wise Woman born in the sacred valley of the fae, unwittingly helps it escape imprisonment. While her twin sister, Anna, receives psychic glimpses of ancient secrets she must unravel. With her scribe teacher, Rosalind, she also struggles to uncover the reasons behind Claire’s strange behavior, ever escalating since the death of their Guild Mother, Grianne.

The Age of the Wise Women will cease, if the curse does not end with Anna and Claire. Perhaps inheriting the mistakes of their ancestors, and learning the truths of their identities, will bring great suffering for these witch twins?

About The Author: Louise Bohmer is a freelance editor and writer based in Sussex, New Brunswick. She also works promotion for Daverana Enterprises. You can read her short fiction in the upcoming Courting Morpheus, Ladies of Horror, and Into the Dreamlands. Her poetry can be read in Death In Common 1 & 2.

Louise has a short fiction collection in the works, a novella series mixing organized crime with mythology, and she’s writing her second novel—Gypsy Wagon. Visit her at: or

What Others Are Saying About The Black Act:
“The Black Act is a beautiful tale, beautifully written. Louise Bohmer places her pot squarely on the file and begins cooking immediately. The aromas in her kitchen are familiar—a hint of J.R.R. Tolkien, a trace of Geoge R.R. Martin, and a whiff of Ursula K. LeGuin—ah, but when you taste this delicious stew, you’ll find a fresh recipe with plenty of meat and potatoes. There’s a new Chef in town, and I’ll be the first in line for seconds!”
—Michael Knost, editor of Writers Workshop of Horror

“Louise Bohmer has created a powerful story, set in a captivating world with a host of compelling characters. The author meshes elements of fantasy and horror with an ease that is inspirational. The Black Act is a thoroughly enriching read.”
—Rio Youers, author of Mama Fish, Everdead, and End Times

“The Black Act blew me away. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I have to tell you, this far exceeded anything that was nestling in the cobwebbed recesses of my cranial dungeon. It was so magically charged, lyrical, and filled with such stark imagery. There were times when my breath was literally taken away. You’ve built a rich and beautiful world filled with wonder, excitement, and a darkness that is as visceral as darkness can be. Your depiction of the Fae was nothing short of brilliant, culminating in a dark and terrible feeling of loss and hopelessness that feeds the story so well. This is, in a very real sense, Ms. Bohmer’s coming out party.”
—Bob Freeman, author of Shadows Over Somerset, Keepers of the Dead

Library of Horror / Esoteric Writings
Louise Bohmer
(506) 433 - 1046