Accountants CPA Hartford: William Brighenti, CPA: a New Kind of Accounting Firm Opens Its Doors in Hartford, Connecticut

Recently opening its doors for business in Hartford, Connecticut, Accountants CPA Hartford: William Brighenti, CPA, is a new kind of accounting firm featuring electronic technology to enhance and expand its services and client base as well as reduce its costs and fees to clients.

Hartford, CT, September 25, 2009 --( William Brighenti, CPA, and Carole Romatis, Quickbooks bookkeeper, have teamed up to form a new kind of accounting firm: Accountants CPA Hartford. What’s so different about it? Rather than operating out of a plush expensive office in downtown Hartford, Connecticut, it operates out of a small office in Berlin, a suburb of Connecticut’s capital, and relies largely on electronic technology to offer its accounting services. “By using remote access and webconference rooms (featuring whiteboards, webcams, microphones, Skype, and chat)”, Carole Romatis asserts, “Accountants CPA Hartford can provide services to clients more efficiently and effectively. Businesses require accounting support now rather than later. A visit tomorrow leads to costly downtime and—even worse—bills not being processed and cash inflow being delayed. Clients sometimes wait days for their accountants to come to their office and assist them with their accounting problems. Moreover, they are relieved of the expense of the public accountants' traveling time and automobile expenses, dramatically reducing their accounting bills.”

Carole believes that this is the age of information and that accounting firms need to update their technology and their way of conducting business in order to make their services more affordable, timely, effective, and efficient. Both Carole and Bill feel that remote access services and fully equipped webconference rooms add an immediency to the accessibility of the firm's services and improve, rather than lessen, personal service. “By using remote access and webconference rooms with webcams, microphones, whiteboards, Skype, and chat, we are now virtually available 24/7. Equally as important, this advanced electronic technology lowers our costs of conducting our operations, thereby allowing us to charge fees one-half of those charged by other accountants in our area. It’s a win-win for us and our clients.”

“What’s equally as exciting about this technology”, adds William Brighenti, “is that we are now able to offer our services to businesses across the entire United States. There are no regional boundaries restricting us from serving businesses in locations 3,000 miles away. Many companies have branches and affiliates in other states; we can service the entire corporate entity, consolidating its reporting, and pass on savings of thousands of dollars in accounting fees every year. It’s exciting.”

Anyone interested in learning more about Accountants CPA Hartford's electronic services is invited to contact Bill and Carole: Accountants CPA Hartford: William Brighenti, Certified Public Accountant.

Accountants CPA Hartford: William Brighenti, CPA
William Brighenti