Franchise Management Software Just Released

Little Fish Big Ocean Inc. proudly announces the completion of a new software product for publishing franchisers. This tool, called the Daily Current™, was built as a compliment to MaxPro Publishing™ software, a daily operations system.

Winter Garden, FL, September 30, 2009 --( The Daily Current™ taps into the data compiled by each MaxPro Publishing™ system and allows the franchiser to monitor franchise performance each day without wading through emails and spreadsheets.

By having updated numbers each day, management has the information they need for monitoring growth, market trends, changes in circulation and sales. Franchisers can now view numbers such as total sales, average ad value, media kit rate realized, total circulation and new sales. The Daily Current™ also utilizes a built-in graphing system to quickly indicate the health and direction of each franchise as well as the growth of the corporation as a whole.

The Daily Current™ generates reports, combining franchise data, to offer a unique opportunity for motivational programs for franchisees. Such programs create a sense of family that franchise owners may otherwise miss out on during the course of daily operations.

And, it doesn't end there. "We have big plans for the Daily Current™." says Chris Sedlak, President of Little Fish Big Ocean Inc.™ "Our intent is to create a collaborative platform where Corporate can evaluate and interact with their franchise owners on an ongoing basis." With many additional features on the horizon, this new tool is expected to quickly become an integral part of a franchiser's toolbox.

MaxPro Publishing™ software is offered as a daily operating system that each franchise utilizes in working with their prospects, advertisers, contracts, distribution, etc. This feature-rich platform provides a publisher with stats and reports specific to his/her office. Offered at a pay-as-you-go service, MaxPro Publishing™ is ideal for the small to medium sized publishers.

Little Fish Big Ocean Inc.™ was founded by Chris Sedlak, of Winter Garden, FL, to develop business management software. Having worked in the publishing industry for nearly 10 years, Chris has been refining this software for the publishing industry for the past 6 years. Business organization and streamlining has always been Chris' goal, but providing real-time data for immediate decision-making is where MaxPro™ gives it's publishers the power they need to respond immediately to their business needs and advance their company.

For more information on MaxPro Publishing™ or the Daily Current™, call Chris at 407 656-2777 or visit

Little Fish Big Ocean Inc.
Tim Sedlak
407 656-2777