Real Investor in the Trenches Shares How He Succeeds

Many are Running from the Current Real Estate Market but One Investor Tells How he Does While Working a Full Time Job.

Mooresville, NC, October 08, 2009 --( Get Real, The Real Estate Investing Show for the Rest of Us, interviewed real estate investor, Josh Nolke, on this week’s show. Josh has been investing for about two years and has been able to build a successful portfolio of real estate holdings.

In this episode Josh shared how he was able to acquire thirteen properties in twenty four months while working a full time corporate job. He explained that one of his secrets to success and acquiring a property approximately every two months is to enlist the help of other real estate professionals. He turned to an established Realtor who specializes in investment properties. Josh says that it is very important to work with a Realtor that has established a niche in working with real estate investors because they allow for a more efficient use of his time by bring pre-qualified deals. Mr. Nolke also was quick to point out that it is not quick and easy to build this relationship as he had to go through many Realtors to find someone that fit his needs.

Josh has chosen to build his real estate portfolio through long term hold investments. He was able to create his plans and goals around his needs. His desire for his portfolio is to build these investments over time for long term appreciation and short term cash flow.

Another key to Mr. Nolke’s success is his ability to acquire capital funding to work on these projects. In the beginning he started with a $50,000 signature loan from a local bank to acquire properties and complete the repair work. As his business has grown and he has a proven track record he again turned to local/regional banks to acquire construction loans that allow him to purchase the property and get funding for the repair costs all in one product and then refinance the properties into a mortgage that is appropriate for long term holdings.

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Marv Uetel