Mike Habib, EA Tax Relief Services

Tax Relief Expert Mike Habib, EA Helps Innocent Spouse in a $2M Case

Tax relief expert Mike Habib, EA resolves a major innocent spouse tax controversy matter with the State of California Franchise Tax Board.

Tax Relief Expert Mike Habib, EA Helps Innocent Spouse in a $2M Case
Los Angeles, CA, October 07, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Tax expert Mike Habib does it again as he manages to resolve a $2 million case in favour of an innocent spouse in the state of California. The innocent taxpayer, Ms. Jennie L. was faced with $2Mil FTB tax debt charges that were supposed to be addressed by her husband.

“You have no idea how surprised I was to learn that I owed the FTB millions of dollars when it was supposed to be my husband who should be responsible for the tax debt,” a tearful Jennie said. “Here I was trying to make ends meet and barely getting all my bills paid when suddenly, I’m getting served with a tax levy ruling,” she continued.

Fortunately, adds Jennie L., she was wise enough to seek help and research her options. “There had to be a way out of this mess,” she said. “I shouldn’t have to pay a tax debt that I didn’t incur in the first place.”

She says she went online to go over her tax relief options. Many have already advised her to just resort to a payment plan that will allow her to pay off the debt in small monthly instalments. But she knew it was just unfair for the taxing authority to charge her for something that is supposed to be paid by her husband so she searched for a tax relief expert to help her out.

Mike Habib entered the picture when Jennie stumbled into his website, www.myirstaxrelief.com. “The website was very informative and Mike Habib was based in California so I just had to ask if he can help me,” she said.

Jennie was able to get a response from Mike Habib himself. There were no middlemen. The renowned tax expert reportedly contacted her personally and they set a meeting so they can discuss her options on getting tax relief.

With Mike Habib’s help, Jennie was able to get her case reviewed by the FTB. Habib helped her settle with the taxing authority and convince them that she was in no way liable for the $2 million tax debt that her husband incurred. After weeks of negotiations and appeals, Habib managed to solve the case in favour of his client.

The state of California refunded all that was taken from the innocent taxpayer’s bank account plus interest. For now, Jennie L has just received an IOU instead of a check for the refund but it’s only a matter of time before she can finally cash the check and gain her financial security again.

“Thanks to Mike Habib, I’m now tax debt free,” says Jennie.

Mike Habib, EA
Mike Habib, EA Tax Relief Services
1-877-788-TAXES (1-877-788-2937)