Revolutionary GMAT Prep Website Offers Free On-Demand Video Tutorials

The GMAT Pill Study Method, a relatively new video on-demand course, has been revolutionizing the way students prepare for the rigorous GMAT exam. Founded by the legendary 98th percentile GMAT tutor, Zeke Lee, The GMAT Pill is now offering free online video tutorials for all visitors. The GMAT Pill Study Method aims to help students ace the GMAT in as little as 1 month of solid preparation.

New York, NY, October 09, 2009 --( The GMAT Pill ( is now offering free online video tutorials to anyone who visits the site. Visitors to the site can sign up for a free newsletter that offers GMAT tips and strategies. Founded by Zeke Lee, a Stanford graduate and management consultant who scored in the 98th percentile and developed the GMAT Pill Study Method after just studying for just two weeks, the GMAT Pill uses simple English, diagrams and videos to help users prepare for the GMAT in an efficient way. Contrary to traditional prep programs like Kaplan and Princeton Review, the GMAT Pill offers a more progressive study method that has proved to be successful with its customers without charging exorbitant rates like many others do.

The idea for the GMAT Pill came when Zeke Lee was sharing his special study strategy with friends and students. Through word of mouth, he soon found himself offering GMAT study sessions to many with positive results and wanted to reach even more with an online presence. “I wanted to put my lessons up online for more people to learn from. My goal was also to level the playing field by offering my study method at a much more affordable price than the big test prep services. I am proud to say that The GMAT Pill is something everyone can benefit from, not just the affluent.” says Lee.

The GMAT Pill website offers lessons and strategies that are broken down according to the structure of the website. There is a “pill” for each section – sentence correction, data sufficiency and critical reasoning. Within the Sentence Correction section of the test, The GMAT Pill offers 10 core frameworks videos (approximately 90 minutes) and videos on test questions (approximately 275 minutes). The Data Sufficiency section contains 43 videos amounting to over 200 minutes of instruction and the Critical Reasoning section contains 30 videos of over 180 minutes of material.

For those who are interested in just reading about the GMAT, The GMAT Pill also updates their blog frequently on important topics such as business school rankings, GMAT tips, and updates from the Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) as well as interviews with students who have been admitted to top MBA programs such as Stanford, Harvard and Northwestern’s Kellogg business schools.

For more information, visit

The GMAT Pill Study Method
Marina Moss