Michael Palazzo of Leadership Advisors Aids Executives in Creating a Personal Vision Statement for Professional Growth

Michael Palazzo of Leadership Advisors Tells Organizations: “Without Vision, People Perish.”

Boca Raton, FL, October 15, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Michael Palazzo of Leadership Advisors has announced a plan for executive development that builds on new information to change corporate thinking.

Michael Palazzo says that corporate officers and supervisors develop set patterns of thinking based the organizations they work in, the books they read and the people with whom they associate.

“Choosing to change our level of thinking requires that we be willing to challenge the status quo, and become the best we can be,” says Michael Palazzo, who plans and facilitates programs on leadership development.

To that end, Leadership Advisors has developed a strategy for executives to implement in the workplace that replace rote thinking with creativity, inaction with action. Leadership Advisors conducts programs that support executive development.

Settings Goals as Part of a Detailed Plan

Researchers have identified that 95 percent of working professionals are not goal oriented, Michael Palazzo says. The 5 percent of those who are focused on goals regularly meet and exceed their objectives with great success.

“Achieving our goals requires a detailed plan and the dedication to seeing it through,” says Michael Palazzo. “The key ingredient to realizing our dreams is the most significant and least understood component of this process.”

“Vision is the diving force, which causes individuals and organizations alike, to realize their true potential and achieve greatness,” says Michael Palazzo. “All too often we lose our focus by taking our eyes off the prize. It becomes easy to blame others for our lack of success. Winners understand that the future belongs to the dreamers and doers, those who have a clearly defined vision for the life they desire, and have committed to achieving.”

Creating a Personal Vision Statement

Without a clearly defined direction and understanding of your purpose, business executives and professionals can lose focus and become confused or complacent, Michael Palazzo. An individual should write a personal vision statement as the first step in focusing his or her life. From that, a person can detail of list of desired accomplishments and contributions.

The vision statement redefines the person’s purpose and helps the person develop a great passion for making the vision a reality, Michael Palazzo says. The statement also guides the individual through difficult challenges and enables that person to realize both organizational and personal goals. The result is an effective worker and a happy person.

About Michael Palazzo

Michael Palazzo consults with organizations to achieve their strategic objectives. As a seasoned leadership facilitator, he understands the needs of and concerns for effective transitions in leadership. Michael Palazzo is also a long-time supporter of the law enforcement and public safety community.

Michael Palazzo has worked with organizations such as New York Telephone (now Verizon), US West Communications and Nextel. He holds competencies in leadership development and meeting facilitation.

About Leadership Advisors

Leadership Advisors LLC produces symposiums that support organizations preparing for the next wave of leaders. The company measures client success based on the principle of developing a plan and aligning people and resources to produce winning results. For more information on Leadership Advisors, visit www.leadershipadvisors.net, or call the offices in Boca Raton, Florida, at 561-333-2800.

Hugo Ottolenghi