Operation Kindness Hopes to Expand to Take in More Animals Thanks to Coaching for a Cause

ActionCOACH Dennis Wagner is working with the non-profit to help improve its financials so it can take in more animals in the near future.

Las Vegas, NV, October 16, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Homeless dogs and cats are an epidemic in the United States.

The problem is so bad in some areas that animal shelters have to set limits on dogs’ and cats’ lives; if they’re not adopted by a certain date, they are euthanized to make room for more homeless animals.

Operation Kindness is the largest and oldest animal shelter in North Texas with a strict no-kill policy. Unlike other shelters which might euthanize other animals to make room for others, Operation Kindness will not take homeless animals if it does not have the room.

Founded in 1976 in Garland, Texas, the founders started out rescuing and adopting out animals out of a small shared space. Over time, the shelter grew into a large organization, as its no-kill philosophy connected with people.

Today, the organization adopts out almost 3,000 animals a year.

Of course, with its no-kill policy, Operation Kindness can’t house every animal.

“There are so many animals in need and unfortunately we can’t take them all in,” Executive Director Sherwin Daryani said.

Operation Kindness was a perfect fit for the start of ActionCOACH’s global initiative Coaching for a Cause, a program that gives charities and non-profits pro bono coaching.

By teaming both organizations, Executive Director Daryani hopes Operation Kindness can expand its financial base and house more animals.

“Our ultimate goal is to grow our financial base so we can save more animals,” Daryani said. “We’d like to become better at what we do specifically in fundraising and finding efficiencies.”

ActionCOACH Dennis Wagner is coaching Operation Kindness on a monthly basis for six hours each month. He was referred the organization through a client who does additional pro bono work for them.

“I've always owned animals and appreciate those who work for the welfare of mistreated and endangered animals,” Wagner said. “I’m looking forward to getting started.”

Since the organization’s income comes from donations from individuals and businesses, in addition to adoptions, fundraising events and merchandise sales, Wagner will help Operation Kindness leverage these areas to help it improve fundraising.

One of those events is the organization’s largest fundraisers, the upcoming “Canines, Cats and Cabernet.”

“’Canines, Cats and Cabernet’ has been going on for 17 years,” Daryani said. The event, which features wine tasting and a silent and live auction, is popular with donors. Last April, the organization held an event called Hope Gala, which Operations Kindness will make an annual fundraiser.

Wagner also supports the Coaching for a Cause initiative 100 percent.

“I think Coaching for a Cause is great,” he said. “It’s a very worthwhile effort because most non-profits would not have the budget to pay for this type of help.”

Coaching for a Cause is an innovative new program from ActionCOACH, the world's number one business and executive coaching firm, that makes pro-bono coaching available to charities and non-profits worldwide. To learn more, go to coachingforacause.org or subscribe to RSS news feeds at news.actioncoach.com.

Nathan Smith
5781, S. Fort Apache Rd.
Las Vegas, NV- 89148