Meet the Pioneers of California Baseball: Author Publishes Non-Fiction About the Formative Years of Baseball in the West

Just in time for major league baseball’s postseason, California writer Chris Goode renders a history of baseball in California. The book is available on and, the online marketplace for digital content.

San Francisco, CA, October 16, 2009 --( Mr. Goode’s 390-page book, entitled California Baseball: From the Pioneers to the Glory Years, focuses on the lives of pioneers who contributed to the sport in California for a half-century. Beginning in the 1890s, the book explores the personalities, schools, teams, ballparks, managers, and owners that shaped the game within the State and on the national stage. The accounts offer a fresh, western perspective on an era dominated by the Eastern baseball establishment.

The book begins during the era of town baseball with the first-of-it’s kind statewide amateur Examiner baseball tournament in 1898. It then chronicles the development the California State and Pacific Coast Leagues, the flood of talented players to the major leagues, and Organized Baseball’s conflicts and accords with a State that wouldn’t know a major league team until 1958.

An avid baseball fan recently filed a complaint with the author. “I was watching on television San Francisco Giants’ hurler Tim Lincecum make a bid to pitch a perfect game,” he explained. “Then I began perusing the book and missed the entire ballgame.”

A dominant personality in the book is the enigmatic Los Gatos native, Hal Chase. But rather than present him as a villain as many writers have done, Goode uses Chase’s battles with Organized Baseball to demonstrate the impact of the National Agreement on independent baseball in California.

Mr. Goode says: “The baseball fan from any region will find the book an interesting read because it blends sound reporting and analysis with a charming depiction of the era. It is as much about history as it is about baseball. The contributions and experiences of California sandlotters and superstars during the evolution of modern baseball make palpable the histories of California, baseball, and baseball in California.”

California Baseball: From the Pioneers to the Glory Years (ISBN 978-0-557-08760-0) is available on demand via the Internet through the services of ( or ( It is also available to retailers through major distributors.


Chris Goode can be reached at
Preview available at
Chris Goode
818 523-1117