Midway College Announces Findings of Study on Generational Attitudes in the Workplace

Midway, KY, October 16, 2009 --(PR.com)-- For the last 18 months, several faculty members at Midway College have surveyed and interviewed more than 800 Central Kentucky employees from 17 different organizations. The purpose of the study, called Generational Cohorts and Their Attitudes Toward Work Related Issues in Central Kentucky, was to determine what differences do or don’t exist between employees of different generations. Today the college is pleased to make the report of this study public.

“I am proud of the faculty’s study of this issue,” said Dr. William B. Drake, Jr., president of Midway College. “There are lots of subjects that the faculty could analyze but to look at generational issues and how employees of different ages relate to one another and interact with their employer is a critical piece of research that fits with our college’s mission. Our faculty strives hard to make our graduates job ready. In order to do that we must be able to instruct them on how the workplace functions and we must be able to work with prospective employers so they understand the ever changing workforce and their attitudes.”

The study found several generational differences in work attitudes exist among the generational cohorts currently in the workplace. Baby Boomers (born between 1942 and 1960), Generation X (born between 1961 and 1981) and Generation Y (born after 1982) made-up the cohorts studied. Some key findings of the study include:

Baby Boomers are significantly more likely than Generation X to agree with being more work-focused than family-focused, valuing organizational loyalty to employees, and the need for comprehensive health insurance.

Baby Boomers are significantly more likely than Generation X and Y to agree with preferring in-person communication, valuing a company-funded retirement plan, and being loyal to their organization.

Generation X is significantly more likely than Baby Boomers to agree that they are strongly motivated by competition, prefer group projects to individual projects, believe that teams are more effective than individuals, feel that it is important to have a strong voice in decision-making, and value the opportunity for advancement.

Generation X is significantly more likely than Generation Y to agree that the following issues are important: a balance between work and family, having a company-funded retirement plan, and being challenged at work. They are also more likely to state that they are loyal to their organization and they follow the proper chain of command.

Generation Y is significantly more likely than Baby Boomers to agree that job security is their top priority; teams are more effective than individuals that time off from work is a strong incentive, and close supervision improves their performance.

Generation Y is significantly more likely than Generation X to agree that they consider themselves more work-focused than family-focused. They are also significantly more likely than Baby Boomers and Generation X to agree on the importance of opportunity for advancement, and that competition, tuition aid, special recognition, and tangible rewards are all strong motivators.

While the research findings found some significant differences in generational work attitudes between the generations, it also found some in common. All three generations considered loyalty from their employer and maintenance of good working relationships as important. Specifically the survey found that all generations take their performance appraisals seriously; they are all comfortable working with members of the opposite sex and people with different backgrounds, and comprehensive healthcare was important.

The research results also point out that the generational values of workers in Central Kentucky are similar to like generational cohorts described in previous research from different parts of the US and the globe. There were no particular differences between these cohorts and others elsewhere. This tends to confirm an observation that generational commonalities cut through global, racial/ethic and social boundaries.

These findings are particularly important in light of the changes taking place in the workforce including the flattening of the hierarchy and involvement of employees in decision making and heightened the interaction of employees from different generations. As such, the study concludes that generational differences are likely an element of diversity that leaders of organizations need to be aware of and manage.

Complete copies of the report are available upon request.

Media Contact: Ellen Gregory, Midway College, 859-846-6046, egregory@midway.edu

Midway College
Ellen Gregory