StepfamilySystems Places Financing for Its Non-Profit Division in the Can
Riverside, CA, October 18, 2009 --( StepfamilySystems .com is developing a non-profit division to support stepfamilies that cannot afford to pay for the services they want and need from StepfamilySystems or any other service they might desire. However, due to its non-profit nature bankers have no interest in providing funding. As a result, there will be an open meeting in the board room of the Riverside YWCA on October 26, at 6:00 p.m. to lay out plans to self-fund the non-profit through a large-scale aluminum can recycling program.
In a Philanthropy certification course Powe is taking, with professionals representing the Red Cross, The Fair Housing Council of Riverside and others, she learned kids in distress arrive at shelters frequently due to stepfamily related issues. “It is a primary goal to see children who are distracted learners due to distressed stepfamily or poor co-parenting dynamics become better focused students, thereby reducing academic neglect and child abuse for these children whose homes are in difficult transitions,” says Powe.
Individuals and businesses interested in participating in filling a Board seat or participating in the recycling program should have a representative at the meeting. The address is 8172 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504. Contact Tricia Powe at (951) 313-1984, or by E-mail: StraightTalk@StepfamilySystems (.com).
In a Philanthropy certification course Powe is taking, with professionals representing the Red Cross, The Fair Housing Council of Riverside and others, she learned kids in distress arrive at shelters frequently due to stepfamily related issues. “It is a primary goal to see children who are distracted learners due to distressed stepfamily or poor co-parenting dynamics become better focused students, thereby reducing academic neglect and child abuse for these children whose homes are in difficult transitions,” says Powe.
Individuals and businesses interested in participating in filling a Board seat or participating in the recycling program should have a representative at the meeting. The address is 8172 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504. Contact Tricia Powe at (951) 313-1984, or by E-mail: StraightTalk@StepfamilySystems (.com).
Tricia Hope Powe
Tricia Hope Powe
