Tough Economy Has Wellness Company Take Personal Training Virtually to the Next Level
Moji Doyle Wellness Consulting, a Delray Beach, FL based wellness company specializing in wellness solutions for women now offers custom fitness & nutritional guidance programs via the internet.
Delray Beach, FL, October 20, 2009 --( Moji Doyle Wellness Consulting, a Delray Beach, Florida based lifestyle & wellness company specializing in wellness coaching and wellness solutions for women offers online and over the phone custom fitness training,- and nutritional guidance programs, to reach women anywhere in the United States and abroad.
Fitness enthusiast of over 20 years, lifestyle & wellness coach, expert pre & post-partum fitness coach, entrepreneur, and owner of Prenatal Fitness & Beyond, Doyle had to think outside the box as she saw her loyal training clients make major lifestyle changes due to the economic crisis and thereby canceling their in-person weekly personal training sessions.
"Personal training became a luxury for many," commented Doyle and decided to offer more affordable online/email and phone coaching programs to her clients as she was watching members at a local gym follow their workout routine day in and day out, without any direction, and without making any visible physical progress, executing exercises with poor form, causing possible injuries.
By offering virtual custom fitness and nutritional guidance programs, Doyle is able to educate and empower women to take charge and make small but meaningful lifestyle changes regardless whether they belong to a gym, are new to exercise or simply need help with their current dietary habits.
During the comprehensive over the phone health evaluation, Doyle establishes rapport with her clients, finds out about their eating habits, lifestyles and personal goals. She then has her clients fill out a daily nutritional log, and designs custom nutritional guidance and/or fitness programs that are accompanied by pictures and/or videos of the designated exercises to suit their needs, lifestyle and goals.
Doyle's clients are accountable to themselves and to her as they are required to log their daily nutritional food intake as well as their workouts. Weekly follow-up calls are implemented to provide support, guidance and feed-back to enable the client to stay on-track and the results they are looking for.
"Phone coaching has been around for quite some time," commented Doyle, "however utilizing the Internet in this fashion, in this tough economy through online and over the phone personal training and nutritional guidance programs enables women across America to have their own virtual personal training coach, lead healthier and happier lives without having to break the bank."
About d/b/a Moji Doyle Wellness Consulting
Aside from designing fitness-, and nutritional guidance programs Doyle likes to educate women of all ages on leading healthier and happier lives by taking her clients on grocery shopping tours, gives their fridge, freezer and pantry a make-over and offers lifestyle wellness coaching programs in her clients' homes.
For an interview or more information, call 561-376-4305 or visit her website at
Fitness enthusiast of over 20 years, lifestyle & wellness coach, expert pre & post-partum fitness coach, entrepreneur, and owner of Prenatal Fitness & Beyond, Doyle had to think outside the box as she saw her loyal training clients make major lifestyle changes due to the economic crisis and thereby canceling their in-person weekly personal training sessions.
"Personal training became a luxury for many," commented Doyle and decided to offer more affordable online/email and phone coaching programs to her clients as she was watching members at a local gym follow their workout routine day in and day out, without any direction, and without making any visible physical progress, executing exercises with poor form, causing possible injuries.
By offering virtual custom fitness and nutritional guidance programs, Doyle is able to educate and empower women to take charge and make small but meaningful lifestyle changes regardless whether they belong to a gym, are new to exercise or simply need help with their current dietary habits.
During the comprehensive over the phone health evaluation, Doyle establishes rapport with her clients, finds out about their eating habits, lifestyles and personal goals. She then has her clients fill out a daily nutritional log, and designs custom nutritional guidance and/or fitness programs that are accompanied by pictures and/or videos of the designated exercises to suit their needs, lifestyle and goals.
Doyle's clients are accountable to themselves and to her as they are required to log their daily nutritional food intake as well as their workouts. Weekly follow-up calls are implemented to provide support, guidance and feed-back to enable the client to stay on-track and the results they are looking for.
"Phone coaching has been around for quite some time," commented Doyle, "however utilizing the Internet in this fashion, in this tough economy through online and over the phone personal training and nutritional guidance programs enables women across America to have their own virtual personal training coach, lead healthier and happier lives without having to break the bank."
About d/b/a Moji Doyle Wellness Consulting
Aside from designing fitness-, and nutritional guidance programs Doyle likes to educate women of all ages on leading healthier and happier lives by taking her clients on grocery shopping tours, gives their fridge, freezer and pantry a make-over and offers lifestyle wellness coaching programs in her clients' homes.
For an interview or more information, call 561-376-4305 or visit her website at
Moji Doyle Wellness Consulting
Moji Doyle
Moji Doyle
