A Squid’s Story: My First Four Years in the United States Navy. Local Author Publishes First Book.

Local author John Rudolph has published and released his first book about his first four years in the Navy through Lulu.com, the online marketplace for self-publishing.

Fishersville, VA, October 25, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Mr. Rudolph wanted to get his book published after realizing his story contained significant historical events during the Cold War, but he wanted to give the book a different angle than the typical memoir.

Andrew Whitehead comments: "John's book is both straightforward and funny; it takes us from his days following boot camp up through...well, you can figure it out by reading it. How did the average sailor feel about the Navy? What is liberty like in a foreign country where you don't know if the people like you for being an American or because of the greenbacks in your wallet? Who are the "Campfire Girls”? What is the first thing you should check when you meet a hooker in Naples? (Hint: it's not in your pants). Read this book and find all the answers; serious, funny, and absurd!”

Mr. Rudolph says: “The book begins from the time I left home in 1980 for basic training up to my first four years,” he said. “I realized that the story had to be told because of the time and surrounding events that took place.”

But there would be some roadblocks ahead. “I decided to try commercial publishing, but after trying to get agents to review my manuscript, I realized that a lot of these agents were sending me canned responses so I felt I was wasting my time.” A local journalist, Chris Graham of augustafreepress.com, advised Mr. Rudolph to investigate the self-publishing route. “Thanks to Chris, within a matter of hours my manuscript was uploaded and a cover was designed on Lulu.com. From there, my book was fully published and is now available to the world.”

Mr. Rudolph’s book, A Squid’s Story: My First Four Years in the United States Navy, is found at http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/a-squids-story-my-first-four-years-in-the-united-states-navy/7820151. The ISBN is # 978-0-557-16900-9.

John Rudolph