"Who Sleeps in Your Skin?" Are You Really Alone?

Edit your past, live in the present, create your future.

St. Petersburg, FL, October 26, 2009 --(PR.com)-- CEO Nicholas R. De Stefano has recently published an intriguing book which challenges readers to change their lives forever.

Here is what two readers have to say:
Who Sleeps in Your Skin - Book Review by Jim Webb 3-10-09.

Roll up your sleeves and sharpen both your wit and your pen.

Nicholas R. De Stefano has drawn a line in the Sand.

On one side… your past and, the other, the realization of your Dreams.

Nick has challenged us to take a long look in the mirror, with tomorrow’s eyes. He then dares you to commit those objective observations to the indelible written word, whose truths and promise will not be denied.

By Jim Webb
Freelance Journalist (and seeker of the Truth).

March 2009 "Who Sleeps In Your Skin?”

The title is just the beginning of an exciting and inspiring journey that author and professional coach Nicholas R. De Stefano provides to readers of all ages - especially those who want to achieve their dreams. Through a series of questions that challenge us to think about how our past and present can affect our future thinking, Mr. De Stefano provides us with a gentle pathway forward, no matter what opposition we've faced in the past. Always supportive and nurturing, Mr. De Stefano's work joins other renowned works including the popular The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson, all of which promote positive thinking and attitude as keys to a happier life. ”Who Sleeps In Your Skin?” provides additional value to the reader: Mr. De Stefano provides a power tool kit of easy-to-use tools to overcome any obstacles on the journey ahead. Nicholas R. De Stefano has masterfully woven an approach that allows us to gracefully overcome the hurts of our past, address obstacles in our life today, and see our future with optimism.

Recommended reading for anyone who wants to discover the greatness within the person who sleeps in their skin.

Carol D.


We begin our journey intuitively at birth with a destiny as a river knows its destiny-a purpose in life where we share with mankind all that our earth has shared with us. As the river uses the earth to forge its way to providence, we as humans navigate through life’s challenges to reach our destiny. As the river encounters obstacles in its way it moves or goes around those obstacles because its destiny is its goal-its objective must be realized with a determination that will not be compromised.

Book Statistics
Title: Who Sleeps In Your Skin
Subtitle: Are you really alone?
Author: Nicholas R. De Stefano
ISBN: 978-0-9817007-4-8
Category: Self-help
Length: 110 pages
Retail Price: $14.95
Binding: 5.25 X 8.25” trade paperback

Leadership Developemnt
Nicholas R. De Stefano