The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - World Experts Debate Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Peace at the UOC
Two peace reporters in times of war, a member of Amnesty International's education group and an expert in gangs are some of those taking part in the 3rd International Conference on Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Peace organised by the UOC's Campus for Peace on 29 and 30 October. This conference, which is to take place at the UOC's Barcelonès Support Centre (Rambla de Catalunya 6), aims to act as a forum for debate and sharing of ideas on these subjects.
Barcelona, Spain, October 30, 2009 --( Over the two days that the event lasts, participants will be able to hear the opinions of a number specialists, including the UOC tutor and member of Amnesty International José Vicente Mestre Chust, who is to give the talk entitled Education and Human Rights, or the doctor in philosophy David Álvarez, who is to take part in the Towards a Peace Culture: From Impermeable Identities to Porous Identities round table, among others. Likewise, the documentary La vida bajo las bombas (Life under the Bombs) is to be shown and debated on by the peace reporters in times of war Alberto Arce and Flavio Signore.
Eduard Vinyamata, Director of the UOC's Campus for Peace, is to open and close the conference.
Alongside the talks and round tables, there is also to be the presentation of the Conflictology magazine, which is to be published every six months in English.
Twofold perspective
This meeting of experts is to have a twofold perspective, as, alongside the activities scheduled for those attending, there are also going to be internal working sessions for the faculty and collaborators on the conflictology courses.
This academic year, 2009-2010, the University is to increase these courses with the introduction of a new master's degree in Conflictology in English involving faculty from universities in the USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Austria, Denmark, Germany, France, Ecuador, Argentina and Spain; Castelló's Jaume I University, Barcelona's Ramon Llull University, and the universities of Granada, Santiago de Compostela and the Basque Country, alongside the UOC.
Contributing to peace and solidarity
The UOC Campus for Peace was created in order to contribute to peace and solidarity for the most disadvantaged peoples and societies and to promote development cooperation, humanitarian aid and sustainability. Based on the fundamental ethical principles of respect for human rights and the Earth Charter, the implicit aim is to offer training that increases people's autonomy and gives them the skills to resolve their problems, defend their rights without violence, live together in peace and prosper while respecting the environment, among other things.
UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University, offers online courses in the languages English, Spanish, Catalan and French. For more information about the online courses offered by UOC visit the website TheGlobalOnlineUniversityUocEdu. For individual questions or enquiries, contact the training advisor team at +34 93 326 30 00, or send an e-mail to:
Eduard Vinyamata, Director of the UOC's Campus for Peace, is to open and close the conference.
Alongside the talks and round tables, there is also to be the presentation of the Conflictology magazine, which is to be published every six months in English.
Twofold perspective
This meeting of experts is to have a twofold perspective, as, alongside the activities scheduled for those attending, there are also going to be internal working sessions for the faculty and collaborators on the conflictology courses.
This academic year, 2009-2010, the University is to increase these courses with the introduction of a new master's degree in Conflictology in English involving faculty from universities in the USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Austria, Denmark, Germany, France, Ecuador, Argentina and Spain; Castelló's Jaume I University, Barcelona's Ramon Llull University, and the universities of Granada, Santiago de Compostela and the Basque Country, alongside the UOC.
Contributing to peace and solidarity
The UOC Campus for Peace was created in order to contribute to peace and solidarity for the most disadvantaged peoples and societies and to promote development cooperation, humanitarian aid and sustainability. Based on the fundamental ethical principles of respect for human rights and the Earth Charter, the implicit aim is to offer training that increases people's autonomy and gives them the skills to resolve their problems, defend their rights without violence, live together in peace and prosper while respecting the environment, among other things.
UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University, offers online courses in the languages English, Spanish, Catalan and French. For more information about the online courses offered by UOC visit the website TheGlobalOnlineUniversityUocEdu. For individual questions or enquiries, contact the training advisor team at +34 93 326 30 00, or send an e-mail to:
UOC - Open University of Catalonia
Daniela Silva
Daniela Silva
