Too Much Technology; Too Fast?

New York, NY, November 10, 2009 --( In a recent article, the 5 new technologies that will change everything are 3D TV, HTML5 Video over Wi-Fi, superfast USB, and mobile “augmented reality.” The argument being presented is now how are we to handle this radical advancements in technology? Our society is finally becoming accustomed to wi-fi, Facebook, and the 3G and 4G mobile networks. Could releasing such advanced technologies reopen the technology barrier between tech-savvy users and those primitive users?, a premiere web solutions company, has reported an increase in customer inquiries, primarily based on the pressure for business to focus their customer acquisition through the Internet. Small businesses and those that do not utilize a website are finding a decrease in new customers and dissatisfaction in their current customers.

Customers now utilize search engines for almost all internet activity. All questions, locations, and recommendations are done through popular search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo. If a business isn’t listed relevant on these search engines, they are missing a significant portion of qualified consumers.

Once the above technologies and others are released to the public, many public operations will be again divided from the newest tech-savvy consumers. It is important for business of all sizes and statures to “give the customer what they want” and operate on a competitive technological level in order to gain and retain customers.

Qoptimize, LLC
Michael Clancy