Real-Time Web Monitoring Service Launched Today

NextMention, the highly anticipated RealTime web monitoring technology, is now available for beta testing for free.

Chiseldon, United Kingdom, November 12, 2009 --( NextMention, the highly anticipated RealTime web monitoring technology, is now available for beta testing for free. Uniquely, NextMention monitors the whole web including news, social networks, Twitter, blogs, bulletin boards, portals and more. Now for the first time users can follow a favourite team, monitor an organisation and its competitors or even keep a close watch on shares - with news instantly delivered via IM and/or email.

David Phillips, Internet strategist; Author of Online Public Relations and director of KLEA Global Ltd., said that NextMention was the first in a pipeline of impressive products and services which take advantage of KLEA Labs RealTime monitoring technology.

He admits that there are a host of services already covering a wide range of online and offline media, but emphasises that very few offer RealTime services covering the entire web.

“Today companies and individuals demand RealTime information – just in time is just too slow! While some services may be swift, they do not include all the channels out there – in fact none can comprehensively monitor all the content that is available online. If it were so, the unmediated flow from the many divergent channels from web sites to news to blogs, wikis, Twitter, social networks and all the rest would be a jumbled morass." said David Phillips

The service provided by Klea Global through its service resolves these issues.

It monitors’ the web for everything and uses a Bayesian bot to sort out the pages into media types. The delivery timing can be specified - with the beta service providing ten minute, hourly or daily updates free, and real time updates in our soon to be announced premium service.

The beta version allows for 5 searches which you can change or delete; select delivery intervals and channels; stop and restart the service. The website will store all your citations for a week while KLEA Global’s clever software tells you which online category each citation belongs to.

Soon to be announced are Klea Global’s ReputationWall and BlogFinder – all of which comprise part of the three tiered, Klea News, Klea View and Klea Insight service offering.

Issued By: KLEA Global Ltd.
On Behalf Of:
KLEA Global (LTD)
13 Butts Road, Chiseldon,
Swindon SN4 0NN
Mobile : (+44) 07759913605 (David Phillips) and

KLEA Global Ltd.
David Phillips
(+44) 07759913605