is Currently Accepting Products to Include in Their 2009 Christmas Guide is calling out to all companies with products that they would like to have their products featured on the family friendly site this holiday season.

Bakersfield, CA, November 14, 2009 --( While accepts products for review year round, this year the moms have especially focused on the holiday season. "We review a wide array of products through out the year, but with the economy in its current state and the holidays right around the corner, now more than ever honest reviews that our readers can depend on are more important than ever", said Samantha Olea, founder of

"We are looking for all types of products for review including toys, books, beauty products, household items-you name it" the smiling founder said as she jotted down notes. "I'm a shop-a-holic myself-the whole hunting and gathering thing I'm sure-and I hate buying something for a friend or my children that sounded so good on TV or in an ad only to find out that it was a dud, didn't work or was just a bad idea all around, which is why this Christmas' product reviews are so important." When asked about if offers paid reviews, Mrs. Olea responded with, "Paid reviews? No. We would only accept payment for a review if we were allowed to remain honest in our evaluation and say what we really thought of the product, and I don't know many companies that would go for that", she laughed, "If we say we liked something, its because we really liked it-its that simple. At the end of the day, we are all moms just trying to do the most we can with the marbles we have-nobody wants to waste money, and most don't have it to waste, even if they wanted to."

When asked why a company would be interested in applying to have their products reviewed by, Mrs. Olea responded with, "Its honest, free publicity. Having your product reviewed on our web site doesn't cost you anything but a couple of products to try out, and in some cases, to giveaway to our readers. This appeals to both big companies and the smaller start ups-and we love, love, love featuring products from small businesses and work at home moms and dads. I, for one, have personally been there and done that, so I especially enjoy when we get an awesome product to try out and find out that a mom or a dad made it themselves-its incredible."

Companies, big and small, that are interested in having their products reviewed by are invited to apply online at: If the moms at think that your product is a good fit, you will be contacted. Companies are encouraged to apply quickly as the calendar for this holiday season is filling up, but there are some spaces available.

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Samantha Olea