Strategic Planning with the Help of The Alternative Board®

This release talks about Strategic Planning for business owners and how The Alternative Board can provide help to business owners who need to develop a strategic plan.

Westminster, CO, November 15, 2009 --( As the end of the calendar year is approaching, Strategic Planning should be on the minds of all business owners. Strategic Planning is something that every business needs, however, many business owners may find themselves without a strategic plan. Lack of motivation to take the time to create the plan could be a reason for not having one or simply not knowing how to put together a plan could be another reason.

As strategic plans are created, there are common mistakes business owners often make:

Skipping rigorous analysis-many owners believe the experience and knowledge is enough to be able to sit down and write a strategic plan. They don’t take time to do research and use the various tools that are there to help them

The plan can be made in one day-strategic planning is an activity that cannot be in one day—it may take several meetings with your executives to fully develop a strong, strategic plan

Executing the plan-part of the problem if a plan is created is not linking work that is happening to the strategic plan that is in place

Not reviewing/modifying the plan-often times once a plan has been created business owners fail to monitor the plan to see if it’s achieving the desired results and making changes if it’s not

If you find that you’re a business owner who doesn’t have a strategic plan in place or perhaps you have a plan but it needs some help, The Alternative Board® can help you with this as well as many other issues you may be facing with your business.

TAB is an international provider of business coaching and peer advice. TAB is comprised of non-competing businesses owners who meet in a safe, confidential environment. Established in over 1000 cities worldwide, TAB Boards® meet in the business owner’s area once a month in a 'think tank' atmosphere. During a TAB Board meeting, owners receive the benefit of the collective experience of the board members, who offer practical solutions to business problems--not theories. Along with peer advice, TAB also provides each business owner with a personal business coach who they also meet with once a month and are able to further discuss issues that were presented in the board meeting or perhaps issues they didn’t feel comfortable bringing up to the board.

Benefits of being part of TAB include:

Having a sounding board of other experienced business owners to bounce ideas off of
An environment in which you share your expertise and help out other business owners
A confidential atmosphere for you to share very sensitive information in—there may be issues going on in your business, such as finance problems, staff or HR issues, etc., that you can’t discuss with others in your company

For more information on The Alternative Board® or to find a board near you, please visit

TAB Boards International
Katherine Mangold
303-839-1200 x 148