Free Books That Are Priceless
Free Books Can be Priceless. The value of any book is determined by how useful it is to the reader. Editors at go to great lengths to pick out free electronic books so well written and presented that they are indeed, Priceless.
Oklahoma City, OK, November 20, 2009 --( has been refining its search for great books since 1997. Last year more than 500,000 books were downloaded, for free and without any kind of obligation. There are no forms to fill out, no address to leave. "All we ask is that you download the books to your computer so we can save a little bit of bandwidth."
Many titles are unique and available only from Tale Wins. Others are rewritten special for Tale Wins. Some titles are comparable -- or better -- than other books written by the same authors that sell for up to $50.00.
Categories run the gauntlet from Romance to books for youth. Romance, books for youth, adventure, self improvement and mystery are the top downloads.
In the middle of October 2009 offered a free membership in a special G-rated Book Club. 25 days later 11,000 signups had been received. Members of the club are the first ones to know of new titles being introduced. They can take advantage of the opportunity to have books published with their name and email address printed inside so they can give the book away as a special gift.
When prints books for club members the type face is usually Verdana, Georgia or Arial with a normal font size of 15. The columns are short in width to reduce eye strain. Paragraphs tend to be short to give natural breaks for the reader to pause, take a breath, then plunge on ahead with new appreciation. Professional illustrations often accompany the Enhanced Books titles.
A Club House is now available for members. By invitation only, Members can make friends with other members If They Choose To Do So. They can create their own blog, their own groups, make their own posts, upload pictures, mingle and talk with new friends, and post news of new books they have read or think they might want to read. There is even a FollowMe option so their friends here can follow them there.
Many titles are unique and available only from Tale Wins. Others are rewritten special for Tale Wins. Some titles are comparable -- or better -- than other books written by the same authors that sell for up to $50.00.
Categories run the gauntlet from Romance to books for youth. Romance, books for youth, adventure, self improvement and mystery are the top downloads.
In the middle of October 2009 offered a free membership in a special G-rated Book Club. 25 days later 11,000 signups had been received. Members of the club are the first ones to know of new titles being introduced. They can take advantage of the opportunity to have books published with their name and email address printed inside so they can give the book away as a special gift.
When prints books for club members the type face is usually Verdana, Georgia or Arial with a normal font size of 15. The columns are short in width to reduce eye strain. Paragraphs tend to be short to give natural breaks for the reader to pause, take a breath, then plunge on ahead with new appreciation. Professional illustrations often accompany the Enhanced Books titles.
A Club House is now available for members. By invitation only, Members can make friends with other members If They Choose To Do So. They can create their own blog, their own groups, make their own posts, upload pictures, mingle and talk with new friends, and post news of new books they have read or think they might want to read. There is even a FollowMe option so their friends here can follow them there.
Tale Wins
Earl H. Roberts
Earl H. Roberts
