Photographing Business Strawn Editing Edits Pictures for $1

18 year old entrepreneur, Cody Strawn, edits pictures for companies and organizations as cheap as a dollar out of their pocket. He also markets other companies for a month for twenty-five dollars.

Charlotte, NC, November 29, 2009 --( is a photography and editing website which edits company or organization's photography for as cheap as a buck out of your pocket. Services are provided online and are fast but contain the best quality out of a photograph that you deserve. The owner is an eighteen year old entrepreneur, Cody Strawn, and is always excited to meet new people and help them in any way, shape or form.

Plenty of User Interaction material has been produced for so that they can contain a better established relationship with their clients. They have included the following.

iStrawn Playlist
A way for users to request music to iStrawn Playlist's MySpace which can be accessed by anybody who requests the music or who is just a listener of the music playlists. This service is free and will stay free, it is also an easy way for businesses to get a whole day shout out.

Monthly Sponsorship
A cheap way to advertise your business or organization for an entire month for as low as $25. The sponsorship includes videos of talking about companies every week on Strawn Editings Youtube page, daily links included on the home page of, staff using your product or wearing your shirt every week (If businesses choose to do so), Give aways that will be sponsored by your company or organization (great way of publicity).

Strawn Editing's social network where individuals can upload pictures to show off editing or photography to other members that is also registered. (Service not yet released but will be released January 2010)

Real Talk: with Kyron Schultz and Cody Strawn
A live web cast every Friday at 7 PM EST where the hosts talk about how our editing can support your business or organization and random feuds between the host's of the show Kyron and Cody. Users can vote via Twitter/Facebook/MySpace on whose views are the best through out the show and the most active viewer gets a shout out at the end of the web cast. (Service not yet released but will be released January 2010) is a way to gain publicity to your website in a quick and ordinary fashion.

Strawn Editing
Cody Strawn