Making History Again. Up Post It Not Re Post It.

House Of Nothing introduced new feature letting free classifieds users Up Post any listing on the site to make it appear higher. This feature provides an elegant solution for the first time to an industry wide problem: how to stop classifieds posters from posting repeatedly?

Garland, TX, November 30, 2009 --( After bringing online classifieds scene with refreshing picture list display feature, House Of Nothing, for the first time in web classifieds history, lets its users Up Post any listing on the site. Once user Up Posts an existing listing, its posting time is refreshed, and the listing goes to the top like a new listing. It is a Digg like voting feature where user can cast vote on interesting ads. This feature makes browsing classifieds an interactive and exciting experience. Now user, in the web 2.0 era, can participate in the editorial process, a role traditionally played by publisher staff.

Many free classifieds website operators have problem of dealing with users posting multiple identical ads or deleting an ad for the sole purpose of posting the same ad to "game" the system, so to speak. With the introduction of "Up Post" poster will no longer need to post repeatedly to gain advantage. Poster can Up Post his/her own existing ads and make them go to the top without posting multiple ads to clog up the system. "Why fight it? Why not give them what they want?" owner Alex Zeng explained the rationale behind the introduction of this feature. Since its inception in 2008, House Of Nothing has designed and refined its classifieds system with ease of use in mind: no mandatory registration, no email verification, no annoying captcha, one page ad posting process, application like AJAX design, and picture list display. Their website address is

House Of Nothing
Alex Zeng