"The Week the World Was Created" Published by Aural Harmonics is Now Available from Amazon.com Kindle E-Book Division
The e-Book "The Week the World was Created" concerns the re-discovery of the ancient Jewish date of Creation as found in the Talmud and confirmed by modern astronomical simulations. The author also discusses the three most popular dates of creation from a biblical perspective and makes a convincing argument for creation and creator.
Strausstown, PA, December 04, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The e-Book "The Week the World was Created" is available from Amazon.com Kindle Division. The author Physicist and Inventor John M. Stephens III has discovered a connection between biblical events and astronomical events in something he calls the Astro-Biblical-Chronology. Where biblical time signatures have collaboration is astronomical "i.e. heavenly" events. The e-book is an introduction to this exciting new field of study, which integrates science and religion in a clear and understandable treatise written for laymen and scientists alike. In 1996 Stephens published a prophetic biblical chronology which outlines the years from the fall of the first man named Adam until the Messiah as discussed by the prophet Daniel. And it is that timeline which has become the basis for the Astro-Biblical-Chronology in which biblically referenced biological conceptions have an astronomical counterpart. One could call it "heavenly genetics" where planetary conjunctions are analogous to biological zygote conjunctions of egg and sperm traveling through space. And the key which unlocks the door is the establishment of conditions of time as related to the Bible. The Week the World was Created shows how those initial conditions are established in a modern vernacular.
Aural Harmonics
John Stephens
John Stephens