Financial Planner Rocks Out for Charity

Financial planner, Rich Winer and his celebrity bandmates Hugh Laurie, James Denton, Greg Grunberg, Bonnie Somerville and Bob Guiney are donating their time and musical talents to raise millions of dollars for charity as members of the celebrity rock group Band From TV.

Financial Planner Rocks Out for Charity
Woodland Hills, CA, October 12, 2006 --( By day, Los Angeles financial planner Rich Winer provides comprehensive wealth management and financial planning services to a select group of high net worth individuals and families throughout the United States and overseas.  By night, he plays guitar for Band From TV alongside television stars Hugh Laurie (House), James Denton (Desperate Housewives), Greg Grunberg (Heroes), Bonnie Somerville (Kitchen Confidential) and Bob Guiney (The Bachelor) in an effort to raise millions of dollars for charity.  In August, Band From TV followed Pink at TV GUIDE’s Emmy After Party in Hollywood and raised $200,000 for some of the band members’ favorite charities including UCLA’s Pediatric Epilepsy Project, Cure Autism Now, The Guitar Center Music Foundation, Save The Children and The International Myeloma Foundation.

“My cousin, Bob, is battling Multiple Myeloma” Winer explains, “a cancer of the bone marrow that took the life of one of my closest friends back in 1997.  Medical science's ability to fight Multiple Myeloma has come a long way in the past 9 years, but there’s still no cure.  Band From TV is a great way to bring attention to insidious diseases like Multiple Myeloma, Autism and Epilepsy, and hopefully raise enough money to someday find cures for these diseases.  It’s also been a lot of fun playing with such a great group of individuals and humanitarians."

Although his career is in financial planning, Winer is no amateur musician.  A graduate of the Studio Music and Jazz Program at the University of Miami, he worked as a sideman, session guitarist, composer and music producer in Miami, Nashville, and Los Angeles in the 1980’s and 90’s and has performed with a number of major recording artists.

As the president and CEO of Winer Wealth Management, Inc. in Woodland Hills, California (, Rich Winer is known for his ability to identify and correct critical, potentially costly mistakes and oversights in people’s retirement and estate planning—items that are often overlooked by CPAs, estate planning attorneys and other financial advisors.  In 2005, the nationally recognized IRA and retirement distribution planning specialist was mentioned in the Wall Street Journal for identifying an oversight by two CPAs and saving the beneficiaries of an inherited IRA more than $700,000 in income taxes.  These days, in addition to being mentioned or quoted in the financial media for his financial expertise, you’re just as likely to see Rich mentioned for the great work that he and his celebrity friends in Band From TV are doing to raise money for charity.

“Both my day job as a financial planner and the charitable work I’m doing with Band From TV are labors of love” Winer says.  “I’m fortunate that my wife, my children and I are all healthy and financially secure.  I get a wonderful feeling helping others build wealth and become financially secure through my work as a financial planner and an equally wonderful feeling raising money for worthwhile causes in my free time with Band From TV.  And from the feedback we've received through our website on Myspace (, I think the public really appreciates what we're trying to do and they've given us a lot of support.  That's very gratifying."

Winer Wealth Management, Inc.
Aleisha Russell