Globalization Protects Jobs

The former president of the Association of the German Industry (a highly competitive machinery industry), Michael Richter, confirms the necessity of globalization and its stabilizing impact on the local industry and jobs.

Daugendorf, Germany, October 12, 2006 --( We cannot escape from the advancing globalization.

Why globalize or – seen more regionally – internationalize ?

Due to the permanently increasing competition, a big number of producers from ‘all over the world’ enters our market places. This narrows naturally the local market for local producers because the clients very often only need less complicated machinery for their products/solutions and thus imported products are completely sufficient.

On the other hand, local manufacturers very often offer technical products on a high standard which in turn would be needed in other countries of the world due to their specific production methods/goals.

Looking towards the huge industrialized European markets – from Italy to UK, from Poland to Germany - there exists enormous potentials for foreign suppliers.

In addition, the manufacturers get direct information from the markets, the clients’ needs as well as market trends which enables them to develop new solutions or to adapt their products – besides the fact that they become more independent from the local/regional economic cycles.

The European markets have their own specific mentalities.

Michael Richter, Daugendorf/Germany has specialized in supporting foreign companies – especially SMEs – to conquer Europe (see and offers practical support in all marketing tasks.

Michael Richter – International Marketing and sales consultant – concentrates for more than 35 years on marketing and selling of investment goods and long-lasting consumer goods to/in all 5 continents – since 1991 he works as an independent marketing consultant, especially for SMEs worldwide.

Michael Richter
Drehergässle 5
88499 Daugendorf/Germany = Marketing support = Country experience
Phone: +49-7371-93210, Fax: +49-7371-93217

Michael Richter - International marketing and sales consultant
Michael Richter