Tokyo Hacker Space Announces Its First Annual Open House Bonenkai Saturday December 12, 2009
Date: Saturday December 12, Time: 12:00 start, Location: Details: - Hacker spaces are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects. Tokyo HackerSpace is an open, bilingual community lab, studio, workbench, sewing circle, machine shop, with Japanese and foreign members.
Shirokanedai, Tokyo, Japan, December 11, 2009 --( People with common interests in technology, building things, gardening, cooking, science, sewing, digital art, gaming, etc. can find the space, the like-minded people, and the infrastructure needed for these activities.
Hacker spaces are a growing movement around the world. They are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects. They are not just project studios, but places where people can get together on an relatively ad hoc basis and make interesting projects, cook, hang out, have barbecues, and watch films.
The Tokyo HackerSpace initiative was created from discussions at TokyoBarCamp 2009. It's a collective made up of programmers, engineers, IT administrators, artists, chefs, musicians, and people interested in geek culture. The goal of the group is to converge technology, arts, crafts, and music. Interested? Please join the mailing list, or find their contact information below.
At this Bonenkai event, members and the curious will be able to participate in a wide variety of activities all day, including:
- Learn the secret of good hot mulled wine (recipe available)
- Hack a snowman with electronics bling, and even an LED display
- Make personal own ornaments
- Meet and greet other Make and Project oriented people in Tokyo
- Bring an instrument for an impromptu jam session
- Holiday Movies in the evening along with stringing popcorn
Fee: donation of ¥1000
For more information, contact:
Lauren Shannon
Follow Tokyo Hacker Space on Twitter @TKOHackerSpace
Join the Facebook Group and invite others (do a search for Tokyo Hacker Space)
Join the Google Group (do a search for Tokyo Hacker Space)
Hacker spaces are a growing movement around the world. They are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects. They are not just project studios, but places where people can get together on an relatively ad hoc basis and make interesting projects, cook, hang out, have barbecues, and watch films.
The Tokyo HackerSpace initiative was created from discussions at TokyoBarCamp 2009. It's a collective made up of programmers, engineers, IT administrators, artists, chefs, musicians, and people interested in geek culture. The goal of the group is to converge technology, arts, crafts, and music. Interested? Please join the mailing list, or find their contact information below.
At this Bonenkai event, members and the curious will be able to participate in a wide variety of activities all day, including:
- Learn the secret of good hot mulled wine (recipe available)
- Hack a snowman with electronics bling, and even an LED display
- Make personal own ornaments
- Meet and greet other Make and Project oriented people in Tokyo
- Bring an instrument for an impromptu jam session
- Holiday Movies in the evening along with stringing popcorn
Fee: donation of ¥1000
For more information, contact:
Lauren Shannon
Follow Tokyo Hacker Space on Twitter @TKOHackerSpace
Join the Facebook Group and invite others (do a search for Tokyo Hacker Space)
Join the Google Group (do a search for Tokyo Hacker Space)
Tokyo Hacker Space
Terri MacMillan
Terri MacMillan