Women of the Wall - California Holds Jewish Prayer Service at Union Square, San Francisco

Jewish women and men will conduct a prayer service at Union Square, San Francisco on Sunday January 10, 2010 at 10 AM- wearing Jewish prayer shawls (tallitot) in support of the woman who was arrested at Western Wall in Jerusalem (considered the most Jewish holy site) in November 2009, for the “crime” of praying while wearing a “tallit” or Jewish prayer shawl. This is one of many prayer services that will take place in town squares across the nation.

San Francisco, CA, January 02, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Israeli medical student Nofrat Frenkel was arrested on November 18th, 2009 at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for wearing a tallit. Powerful Jewish Orthodox groups in Israel currently prevent women from praying at the Western Wall while wearing Jewish ritual objects, claiming that these objects are reserved for men. However, no Jewish law exists which bans women from using them.

Women who have challenged the status quo while praying at the Western Wall have suffered years of verbal and physical abuse. “Women of the Wall” (WOW) has attempted to pray while wearing prayer shawls since 1988, but the abuse has continued, and now a woman has been arrested.

The prayer service on January 10, 2010 is intended to educate others that women routinely use Jewish prayer shawls and other ritual objects such as “kippot” (skull caps) and “t’fillin” (phylacteries), and to show solidarity with “Women of the Wall.” It is intended to help reclaim Judaism in Israel. Its participants will include women, men, their families and allies. They will pray that some day Jewish women in Jerusalem will be able to pray freely, without fear of attack from other Jews. They will pray that all people will act for peace.

Temple Emanu-El
Coastside Torah Circle
West Bay Chavurah
Congregation Kol Shofar
Beyt Tikkun
Jewish Mosaic: the National Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
Congregation Sha’ar Zahav
Temple Sinai in Oakland
Congregation Ner Tamid
Kehilla Community Synagogue
The Aquarian Minyan
Congregation Sherith Israel
Congregation Beth Sholom of San Francisco
Nishmat Shalom: The East Bay Feminist Minyan

Women of the Wall- California
Abby Caplin, MD