Announcing - Secrets of the Art of Persistence

A breakthrough in understanding the vital components which make up “Persistence” - as a catalyst for the realization of one’s goals, resolutions, and dreams.

Vancouver, WA, January 06, 2010 --( Self-improvement book lovers have something to be excited about for 2010, with the release of Secrets of the Art of Persistence - a book by Tapiwa Chitembure, published by Xlibris. In this book, Tapiwa takes the reader through the previously unexplored inner dynamics of persistence, outlining the fundamental elements that govern the presence or lack of this valuable human capability. Driven by the need to overcome negative effects of a less privileged childhood, Tapiwa sought to discover the mechanics of persistence - in order to understand what it took to overcome challenges, so that he could realize his own dreams. He shares his discoveries, and the challenges he had to overcome before coming to America in his newly published book: Secrets of the Art of Persistence. Realizing how overwhelming it is to, “not know what to do,” in the face of challenges - his desire to reach out and help others culminated in this empowering, illustrative and action oriented workbook. Readers will be prepared to start the year - not only with revitalized goals and resolutions, but also with a powerful formula and exercises that give them a path forward. This book also reveals the underlying and most common cause of failure. You are better off finding out what it is, since far from any assumption - you will be surprised to discover what it is. Life always throws challenges in the way of the things that we want. Sometimes, it requires more than motivation, positive thinking, or endurance to get over these challenges - it requires Persistence. What does Persistence consist of? What are the exact elements that make up this redeeming quality? Well, that is something that you have to find out for yourself. It is all outlined in an easy to follow formula, yet a boot camp of a challenge, in the Secrets of the Art of Persistence. According to the author, “failure does not mean defeat; it only means that we have not taken the right actions to lead us towards the realization of our goals.” That sounds like a good enough perspective to kickoff 2010.

For more information on this and other books by Tapiwa visit;

About the Author
Tapiwa was born in Ndola, Zambia September 25. He grew up in his mother’s homeland – Zimbabwe, where he had to learn to make the most with the little that his family could get, in addition to overcoming the challenges of growing up in a third world country. As he tells about his childhood, some considered him to be an unrealistic dreamer, and felt obligated to “save” him from disappointment, since they were certain he was not going to get very far. The events that followed proved otherwise. Tapiwa says he owes the discovery of his strength mostly to his grandfather Mr. Chitembure, who made him realize that, even though he did not have much – he did not have to agree with the status quo. Now living here in the United States, he shares the objectively effective tools, which pulled him through the seemingly unwavering adversities - to living a life that only began as a dream.

Secrets of the Art of Persistence by Tapiwa Chitembure

Publication Date: November 12, 2009

Trade Paperback; $15.99; 86 pages; ISBN: 1-4415-9904-5 (Trade Paperback 6x9)

Published by Xlibris: Order your copy from your local bookstore’s order desk, call 888-795-4274 ext. 7876, or order online at This book will also be available soon, through; and other retailers.

Secrets of Persistence
Amanda Bennett